David L. Jones
Check out the "Kill-A-Watt", it does *exactly* what you want.
I bought mine on-line for about $20 (with free shipping!) for
uses like this. I tested 2 different TV models of the same size
(27") and similar age and found that one used nearly 16 watts
when off, while the other used less than 8.
The Kill-A-Watt shows RMS volts, amps, watts, KWH,
power factor, line frequency, and probably some others
I've forgotten. You plug the Kill-A-Watt into the wall, then
plug the thing you want to test into the Kill-A-Watt, and
push a button to select what you want to read.
I've wanted a watt-meter for *years* and always
figured I'd have to bite the bullet and build a crude
one. But the Kill-A-Watt does more than anything
I'd ever have built... and for only $20 !!! This is by
far my favorite toy of the year.
(PS: I have no affiliation with Kill-A-Watt, just
a delighted customer.)
Best regards,
Bob Masta
Data AcQuisition And Real-Time Analysis
Scope, Spectrum, Spectrogram, FREE Signal Generator
Science with your sound card!
Sadly, the Australian market still does not have a low cost consumer
power meter like that one.
One was released recently, but the supplier removed it from sale
because it had accuracy issues on the low end of the scale.