Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Attiny sleep mode


I'm planning to do a small project using the Atmel Attiny45 microcontroller. The program is as follows :-
1. Connect an IR Sensor to the microcontroller together with a relay
2. When a signal is sent from the remote control, depending on the signal sent, my relay will switch on or off.

Is it possible to put the Attiny45 microcontroller to sleep mode (power down sleep mode) but keeping the IR Sensor awake (such as an interrupt)
Yes this is possible to do.

You will need to connect your IR Sensor to an external interrupt pin on your Atmel microcontroller. You can put your micro to sleep and wake it back up using the external interrupt; you will need to set the interrupt such that it is triggered when a change in the signal is detected. Reading up section 9.2 and 9.2.1 in the below datasheet will be a good start (page 49):
Yes this is possible to do.

You will need to connect your IR Sensor to an external interrupt pin on your Atmel microcontroller. You can put your micro to sleep and wake it back up using the external interrupt; you will need to set the interrupt such that it is triggered when a change in the signal is detected. Reading up section 9.2 and 9.2.1 in the below datasheet will be a good start (page 49):

Could you please, if you may, specify how do I calculate the CURRENT that will be used in such a process (IDLE MODE + Interrupt)?