Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Are Gadgets killing PCs?


Rod Speed

terryc wrote
Don McKenzie wrote
Correct me if I'm wrong,

You are, as always.
but JB HiFi's focus selling electronic gadgets, any electronc gadget that is popular, that is a closed box, especially
if if has lots of high priced add-ons/plug ins.

Even someone as stupid as you should have noticed that that doesnt
apply to those 100 laptops or 6 PC, if someone was actually stupid
enough to lend you a seeing eye dog and a white cane.
These don't require much ability in the sales droids.

Pity about those 100 laptops.
Desktops had that bad aspect that they needed to be opend to have add-ons added into them.

Not with what JB HiFi and Hardly Normal flog, cretin.
Gadgets are so much easier.

Pity about those 100 laptops.
Evolution of the laptop?

Nope, evolution of the desktop PC, actually.

Don McKenzie

Chuckle. How unAustralian, not knowing about the tote.


Cheers Don...


Don McKenzie


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Rod said:
Even someone as stupid as you should have noticed that that doesnt
apply to those 100 laptops or 6 PC,

So 100:6 says you're wrong. Laptops are basically sealed gadgets tha you
plug doodles into. I suppose that one day you will learn to read.

Gordon Levi

Don McKenzie said:
PC sales have flat-lined. Seems the Android, iPhone, iPad, and other gadgets, such as internet TVs are having a massive
affect on current PC sales.
Is the PC industry is heading for collapse?

If you mean conventional desktop PCs then of course it is. Already a
significant proportion of (most?) users who need a computer in more
than one location have a single laptop that they use wherever they
are. It seems likely that fairly soon a mobile phone will have the
storage and processing grunt commonly required. Almost everyone
carries a mobile phone so they only need the ability to connect to the
appropriate servers and HIDs wherever they happen to be. The Motorola
Atrix is not there yet but I think it shows what is coming

Rod Speed

terryc wrote
Rod Speed wrote
So 100:6 says you're wrong.

Everyone can see of themselves that you are lying, as always.

ALL that shows is what those that use that store choose to buy.
Laptops are basically sealed gadgets tha you plug doodles into.

So are the PCs they flog as well, fuckwit.
I suppose that one day you will learn to read.

You'll never manage to work out how to bullshit your way out of a wet paper bag.


Rod Speed

Gordon Levi wrote
If you mean conventional desktop PCs then of course it is.

That graph lumps desktops and laptops and notebooks together, stupid.
Already a significant proportion of (most?) users who need a computer in
more than one location have a single laptop that they use wherever they are.

Most arent actually stupid enough to cart it around all the time.
It seems likely that fairly soon a mobile phone will have
the storage and processing grunt commonly required.

But not the screen or keyboard that is required for the most basic stuff.
Almost everyone carries a mobile phone so they only need the ability to
connect to the appropriate servers and HIDs wherever they happen to be.

They also need a decent screen and keyboard if they do more than a few texts.

I hardly ever text from the mobile itself, its much more convenient to use a real keyboard.
The Motorola Atrix is not there yet but I think it shows what is coming

You're wrong, as always.

Most will continue to do it the other way, a real PC of some sort
for all except the much more trivial stuff they do on their phone.

Trevor Wilson

PC sales have flat-lined. Seems the Android, iPhone, iPad, and other
gadgets, such as internet TVs are having a massive affect on current PC

Is the PC industry is heading for collapse?

Cheers Don...


**There are always fools to pay money for stuff they don't need. Whilst
sopping at the local supermarket yesterday, I spied a woman, pushing her
trolley around, iPad cradled in one hand. Neat, I thought. I felt a bit
inferior with my 'Post-It Note' stuck to the handle of the trolley (no
need to carry it, don't have to worry if I drop it), 'till I figured out
that she did just as much work making her shopping list as I did. I'm
carrying around 0.1gms of paper and she was carrying 500gms of valuable
electronics. All to do the same job.

[Shakes head]


PC sales have flat-lined. Seems the Android, iPhone, iPad, and other
gadgets, such as internet TVs are having a massive affect on current PC

Is the PC industry is heading for collapse?

Cheers Don...

**There are always fools to pay money for stuff they don't need. Whilst
sopping at the local supermarket yesterday, I spied a woman, pushing her
trolley around, iPad cradled in one hand. Neat, I thought. I felt a bit
inferior with my 'Post-It Note' stuck to the handle of the trolley (no
need to carry it, don't have to worry if I drop it), 'till I figured out
that she did just as much work making her shopping list as I did. I'm
carrying around 0.1gms of paper and she was carrying 500gms of and valuable
electronics. All to do the same job.

[Shakes head]

There are APP's for Tablets that compare prices from all Supermarkets
also tell you ingredients, calories etc. Most now have to go shopping
in more than one supermarket why not use your tablet if you have one.

Rod Speed

Pretzl wrote
And plenty who have enough cash to do things in the most convenient way too.

And its unlikely to have been bought for just that, so
she doesnt actually spend anything for the convenience.

While I dont use a tablet for that, I do have various lists in a decent smartphone instead.

I've never dropped mine.

Much less in fact, particularly if you use a decent app that tells you the location etc too.

Her approach does a MUCH better job.
There are APP's for Tablets that compare prices from
all Supermarkets also tell you ingredients, calories etc.

And I keep track of the best price I have ever paid for stuff that I buy much of too.
Most now have to go shopping in more than one
supermarket why not use your tablet if you have one.

Or an even more convenient smartphone.


Pretzl wrote

And plenty who have enough cash to do things in the most convenient way too.

And its unlikely to have been bought for just that, so
she doesnt actually spend anything for the convenience.

Sounds like a typical yuppie showing off her possessions.
While I dont use a tablet for that, I do have various lists in a decent smartphone instead.

I've never dropped mine.

Much less in fact, particularly if you use a decent app that tells you the location etc too.

My missus does the shopping, she doesn't need to be told where the stuff
is located, after about the fourth week of moving here, she had that
down pat.
Her approach does a MUCH better job.

How exactly, it takes just as much effort to type a list into a tablet
or smartphone as it does to write it onto a piece of paper. If there is
stuff that you buy every week and you memory is so bad that you can't
remember it, you just print a standing list each week and add any extras
by hand.
There are APP's for Tablets that compare prices from
all Supermarkets also tell you ingredients, calories etc.

And I keep track of the best price I have ever paid for stuff that I buy much of too.

Not sure exactly what that does for you other than being able to winge
about how much things have gone up.


keithr said:
My missus does the shopping, she doesn't need to be told where the stuff
is located, after about the fourth week of moving here, she had that
down pat.

Where do you shop? Around here it is musical shelves.


Where do you shop? Around here it is musical shelves.

The local Woolies did a reconfiguration a year or so back, but before
and after it was and is completely stable.

Rod Speed

keithr wrote
Rod Speed wrote
Sounds like a typical yuppie showing off her possessions.

Or she got it for various reasons and was trying it out in that situation.

Or the laptop either.
My missus does the shopping, she doesn't need to be told where the stuff is located, after about the fourth week of
moving here, she had that down pat.

Its different if you use various supermarkets much, particularly
when they have rearranged everything as they do periodically.
How exactly, it takes just as much effort to type a list into a tablet
or smartphone as it does to write it onto a piece of paper.

Wrong when you have automated it properly.
If there is stuff that you buy every week and you memory is so bad that you can't remember it,

Thats not what is on the list, stupid.

Whats on the list is what I keep a decent stock of
for convenience and which I have noticed has got low.
you just print a standing list each week and add any extras by hand.

I bet his list isnt anything like that. Hers either.
[Shakes head]
There are APP's for Tablets that compare prices from
all Supermarkets also tell you ingredients, calories etc.
And I keep track of the best price I have ever paid for stuff that I buy much of too.
Not sure exactly what that does for you other than being able to winge about how much things have gone up.

I basically only buy stuff at close to the best price I have ever seen
and keep decent stocks of everything I use much so I dont have to
shop very often at all.

That does save a substantial amount of money, particularly
with the more expensive stuff like a 5KG block of fillet steak
uncut, the Lendards specials, fruit and veg.

Some stuff like the limes I make marmalade out of because
I cant buy anything like as good marmalade as I can make,
can vary anything from $3/KG to $20


Pretzl wrote
And plenty who have enough cash to do things in the most convenient way too.

And its unlikely to have been bought for just that, so
she doesnt actually spend anything for the convenience.

While I dont use a tablet for that, I do have various lists in a decent smartphone instead.

I've never dropped mine.

Much less in fact, particularly if you use a decent app that tells you the location etc too.

Her approach does a MUCH better job.
There are APP's for Tablets that compare prices from
all Supermarkets also tell you ingredients, calories etc.

And I keep track of the best price I have ever paid for stuff that I buy much of too.
Most now have to go shopping in more than one
supermarket why not use your tablet if you have one.

Or an even more convenient smartphone.
Yes the apps even tell you where you left your car (handy over Xmas)


Where do you shop? Around here it is musical shelves.

That's what the cameras are for when you find something they hide it,
if you find it again it goes off the shelf completely. I don't bother
now if Woolworth's hide it, it goes on my Aldi list.
It's actually a scam where suppliers are blackmailed into the
placement of goods in stores and on shelves. Notice everything you
want going to bottom shelf at the back. Link below is why
Aldi ground coffee is not bad and $7 for ½ kilo. Only tried it because
½ kilo bags of Melitta disappeared from Woolies and the others were
horrible and want $20 for ½ kilo. Aldi meat is also better quality and
about third price. You have to do your shopping now in at least 2
supermarkets to get all you want Aldi for me is as convenient as
Woolworth's. Can't wait for their beer (cheaper than Rods) from
Germany or Belgium. The shinyarses at Woolworths have driven 40% of my
and others away and given themselves a payrise saying what a good boy
am I.

Rod Speed

Pretzl wrote
That's what the cameras are for when you find something they
hide it, if you find it again it goes off the shelf completely. I don't
bother now if Woolworth's hide it, it goes on my Aldi list.
It's actually a scam where suppliers are blackmailed into
the placement of goods in stores and on shelves. Notice
everything you want going to bottom shelf at the back.

Nothing I buy there ever is.

Just another utterly mindless conspiracy theory.
Aldi ground coffee is not bad and $7 for ½ kilo.

I always bought the beans and ground it myself when I still bothered with coffee.
Only tried it because ½ kilo bags of Melitta disappeared from
Woolies and the others were horrible and want $20 for ½ kilo.
Aldi meat is also better quality and about third price.

I only use the specials prices, never pay full price for meat.
You have to do your shopping now in at least 2 supermarkets to get all you want

I dont have to do that.
Aldi for me is as convenient as Woolworth's. Can't wait for
their beer (cheaper than Rods) from Germany or Belgium.

LIke hell its cheaper than mine. The main problem with the price is the
excise duty on commercial beer that you dont pay with home brewed beer.
The shinyarses at Woolworths have driven 40% of my and others away

That is a bare faced lie, proven by their publicly available figures.
and given themselves a payrise saying what a good boy am I.

Because they have done better than Coles until they imported some poms.


Some stuff like the limes I make marmalade out of because
I cant buy anything like as good marmalade as I can make,
can vary anything from $3/KG to $20

My, you are domesticated! I used to enjoy Roses Lime Marmalade, but I'm
not allowed to have it any more and have to make do with the reduced
sugar stuff :(