Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Are 5 GHz telephones safe?


Ian Stirling

Don Pearce said:
I suggest you try and find any evidence that any mobile phone,
anywhere has ever caused anybody actual harm by way of its RF field.

All you will find is urban myth.

It's caused me harm.
By a bizarre coincidence of events, a mobile ringing on top of a CDROM
drive with its cover off caused the drive to eject, and push a coffee
cup over on my head.

Don Pearce

It's caused me harm.
By a bizarre coincidence of events, a mobile ringing on top of a CDROM
drive with its cover off caused the drive to eject, and push a coffee
cup over on my head.

I've always known that coffee is bad for you. This proves it.


Pearce Consulting

Spehro Pefhany

It's caused me harm.
By a bizarre coincidence of events, a mobile ringing on top of a CDROM
drive with its cover off caused the drive to eject, and push a coffee
cup over on my head.

<LOL> And there was no warning label about that sort of thing on the
CD-ROM drive, I'll bet.

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany

Dirk Bruere at Neopax

Don said:
I suggest you try and find any evidence that any mobile phone,
anywhere has ever caused anybody actual harm by way of its RF field.

All you will find is urban myth.

Remains to be seen since cancer takes up to 30yrs to manifest.
I'll let you know the definitive opinion around 2020


The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium

Don Pearce

Remains to be seen since cancer takes up to 30yrs to manifest.
I'll let you know the definitive opinion around 2020

As I said, we have lived in similar, but vastly more intense radio
fields for sixty years. You can voice a definitive opinion right now-
there is no problem.


(ps, please don't come back with the weak fields argument; people who
live further from TV transmitters enjoy exactly these weak fields, and
still no effect)
Pearce Consulting

Don Pearce

I suggest you check the work of Persinger and others concerning effects of low
level mag fields and modulations.

I'm sorry _ I misread what you wrote here. Mobile phones don't
generate mag fields. The earth, however, does and to modulate it all
you need to do is turn round.

Pearce Consulting

Dirk Bruere at Neopax

Don said:
As I said, we have lived in similar, but vastly more intense radio
fields for sixty years. You can voice a definitive opinion right now-
there is no problem.

Not "vastly more intense" than holding a transmitter next to the brain on a
regular basis for hours a week.
Nor at the more absorbable high frequencies of mobile phones.


The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium

Dirk Bruere at Neopax

Don said:
I'm sorry _ I misread what you wrote here. Mobile phones don't
generate mag fields. The earth, however, does and to modulate it all
you need to do is turn round.

The implications of Persinger's work goes beyond low level mag fields, and
mainly concerns modulations. I would not have believed effects were possible as
detailed, except that it does seem incontravertible.


The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium

Don Pearce

The implications of Persinger's work goes beyond low level mag fields, and
mainly concerns modulations. I would not have believed effects were possible as
detailed, except that it does seem incontravertible.

Persinger's work has been comprehensively discredited.


Pearce Consulting

Dirk Bruere at Neopax

Don said:
Nonetheless, it is.

One report in Nature about a researcher who could not reproduce a result,
submitted to another journal?
You think that is all it takes to 'comprehensive discredit' the work of many
people over decades? [Persinger is not alone in getting the results he gets]


The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium

Don Pearce

Don said:
Nonetheless, it is.

One report in Nature about a researcher who could not reproduce a result,
submitted to another journal?
You think that is all it takes to 'comprehensive discredit' the work of many
people over decades? [Persinger is not alone in getting the results he gets]

Absolutely, repeatability is what this is all about. The same thing
happened over cold fusion.


Pearce Consulting

Rich Grise

As I said, we have lived in similar, but vastly more intense radio
fields for sixty years. You can voice a definitive opinion right now-
there is no problem.

Yeah, and my Dad quit smoking 40 or so years ago, and you know what? He
died anyway.

Antismokerism does not cause immortality.
