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Are 5 GHz telephones safe?


John Woodgate

However, there is a growing body of knowledge that links the incidence
of the rare near-brain tumour known as an "Acoustic Neuroma" with the
increased use of mobile phones and cordless telephones.

There is nothing on that site that supports your assertion.
This tumour is suspected to occur more frequently in those who have had
exposure to microwave radiation at the sort of power levels used for
line of sight communications.

Thousands of times stronger than the emissions from a cordless phone.
Exposure to radar and tropospheric scatter
energy can also be linked with this tumour.

MILLIONS of times stronger than the emissions from a cordless phone.

Reports referring to putative causes of VERY RARE neoplasms are simply

John Woodgate

(in said:
It's about CELLPHONES, not CORDLESS phones. A difference in RF output of
up to 40 times. It also reports an increase of 50% in an incidence of 1
in 100 000. This is down in the epidemiological noise.

The Karolinska Institute is indeed highly respected, but even their
papers can be sensationalized by journalists.

Andrew VK3BFA

Greysky said:
Just got a new DSS 3 station 5.x GHz cordless telephone for the house. Boy,
does it work great, but the thought has occurred to me that these handsets
are emitting microwave radiation, right next to the brain, and we all know
what microwaves are good for .... making popcorn :) SO, am I and my
innocent family turning out brains into popcorn with these things??

Does it matter, anyway - after a lifetime of laying asbestos conduit,
wiping lead cable joints, using carbon tet to clean switches, surviving
a few big car crashes and last year being opened up for colon cancer
surgery, I dont think it matters a damm. Probably the only hazard is
when you play "find the phone" and fall over something.
73 de VK3BFA Andrew

Bill Bailley

MILLIONS of times stronger than the emissions from a cordless phone.

Reports referring to putative causes of VERY RARE neoplasms are simply

I think the real problem is that nobody is quite sure at what power level
cell damage occurs and over what span of time. Please take care and think
twice before you extend that mobile call a second longer than is required.

For myself, I worked on the DEW line, and on military
troposcatter in a number of different parts of the world.

Shor nuff, some years later, a golf ball size acoustic neuroma. A good
surgeon and some luck, still here.

John Woodgate

(in said:
I think the real problem is that nobody is quite sure at what power
level cell damage occurs and over what span of time. Please take care
and think twice before you extend that mobile call a second longer than
is required.

For myself, I worked on the DEW line, and on military
troposcatter in a number of different parts of the world.

Shor nuff, some years later, a golf ball size acoustic neuroma. A good
surgeon and some luck, still here.

DEW is/was perfectly capable of cooking you alive at many metres from
the antenna. Even a cellphone, let alone a cordless phone, won't do

Bill Bailley

DEW is/was perfectly capable of cooking you alive at many metres from
the antenna. Even a cellphone, let alone a cordless phone, won't do

That pesky inverse square law can sure trip us all up if we are not careful!

"I think the real problem is that nobody is quite sure at what power level
cell damage occurs and over what span of time."

The plain truth, is that no one is yet ready to write about cell-phone
dangers, large, and in letters of fire. However, the warning flag is being
gently waved, and it may be time to shade the odds to your advantage.


Don Pearce

That pesky inverse square law can sure trip us all up if we are not careful!

"I think the real problem is that nobody is quite sure at what power level
cell damage occurs and over what span of time."

The plain truth, is that no one is yet ready to write about cell-phone
dangers, large, and in letters of fire. However, the warning flag is being
gently waved, and it may be time to shade the odds to your advantage.

If we hadn't all been living for the past sixty years in fields at
similar frequencies from TV transmitters orders of magnitude more
intense, with no sign of sickness clusters, I might be less sanguine.


Pearce Consulting


I think the real problem is that nobody is quite sure at what power level
cell damage occurs and over what span of time. Please take care and think
twice before you extend that mobile call a second longer than is required.

You better line your house with lead and never step outside then.

Rich Grise

DEW is/was perfectly capable of cooking you alive at many metres from
the antenna. Even a cellphone, let alone a cordless phone, won't do

I heard a story about some guy who worked on those big radars. The
crux of the story was that he carried along a ball of steel wool. Before
climbing up onto the superstructure, he'd toss the ball of steel wool
in front of the antenna - if it didn't burn up, it was safe to climb
up on the structure.


Rich Grise

You better line your house with lead and never step outside then.

For ordinary RF, just aluminum foil will work. But be sure to put it shiny
side out!

For that matter, just a foil hat will protect your brain! ;-P


Dirk Bruere at Neopax

Don said:
If we hadn't all been living for the past sixty years in fields at
similar frequencies from TV transmitters orders of magnitude more
intense, with no sign of sickness clusters, I might be less sanguine.

Frequency and modulation no doubt have a lot of influence.


The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium

Ian Stirling

Dwayne said:
Microwaves opperate at 2x10^14 Hz, this is 42,850 TIMES your cordless phone
(1GHz= 10^9 Hz). Plus you oven is most likely 800-1000Watts, and you phone
is few watts at best.

Err, you're so far off that it's ridiculous.
Microwaves operate on 2.45 (or is it 54) GHz.
3*10^8m/s /2*10^14Hz = 1.5*10^-6m, or what's commonly called infra-red.
(treble the frequency and you get green)

Don Pearce

Frequency and modulation no doubt have a lot of influence.

TV is heavily pulse modulated at (in the UK) 25Hz. This is very close
to the frequencies that the doom lobby claim to be particularly bad at
invoking the evil fairies, or whatever.


Pearce Consulting

Dirk Bruere at Neopax

Don said:
TV is heavily pulse modulated at (in the UK) 25Hz. This is very close
to the frequencies that the doom lobby claim to be particularly bad at
invoking the evil fairies, or whatever.

I suggest you check the work of Persinger and others concerning effects of low
level mag fields and modulations.


The Consensus:-
The political party for the new millenium

Bill Bailley

I heard a story about some guy who worked on those big radars. The
crux of the story was that he carried along a ball of steel wool. Before
climbing up onto the superstructure, he'd toss the ball of steel wool
in front of the antenna - if it didn't burn up, it was safe to climb
up on the structure.


Close, but not quite. The steel wool was to light your cigarette from.


Don Pearce

I suggest you check the work of Persinger and others concerning effects of low
level mag fields and modulations.

I suggest you try and find any evidence that any mobile phone,
anywhere has ever caused anybody actual harm by way of its RF field.

All you will find is urban myth.


Pearce Consulting