Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Are 5 GHz telephones safe?



Just got a new DSS 3 station 5.x GHz cordless telephone for the house. Boy,
does it work great, but the thought has occurred to me that these handsets
are emitting microwave radiation, right next to the brain, and we all know
what microwaves are good for .... making popcorn :) SO, am I and my
innocent family turning out brains into popcorn with these things??

John Woodgate

I read in that Greysky>) about 'Are 5 GHz telephones safe?', on Sun, 20 Feb
Just got a new DSS 3 station 5.x GHz cordless telephone for the house. Boy,
does it work great, but the thought has occurred to me that these handsets
are emitting microwave radiation, right next to the brain, and we all know
what microwaves are good for .... making popcorn :) SO, am I and my
innocent family turning out brains into popcorn with these things??
Microwave ovens have powers of hundreds of watts. Your phone maybe has a
maximum possible power of less than 1 watt. Also, it operates at 5 GHz
and a microwave oven would not work well at all at 5 GHz.

Having said that, purely as a precaution don't let your kids use it too
often or for long periods.


Greysky said:
Just got a new DSS 3 station 5.x GHz cordless telephone for the house. Boy,
does it work great, but the thought has occurred to me that these handsets
are emitting microwave radiation, right next to the brain, and we all know
what microwaves are good for .... making popcorn :) SO, am I and my
innocent family turning out brains into popcorn with these things??
I think the short answer is they are safe.

There are regulations limiting the power density of microwave radiation
for safety reasons. Your cordless phone will be within these rules,
probably by a very comfortable margin.

The conventional theory about the safety of microwave radiation is that
the only significant danger to health is through heating (as you say,
like a microwave oven). Therefore, current regulations are based on
heating only. However, some people are claiming that there may be other
ways in which microwave radiation can be hazardous to health. As far as
I know, no conclusive evidence of danger has been found.

Below is a quote from the NRPB website on the safety of mobile phones.
Note that this refers to cell phones, not cordless phones, but both use

"The main conclusion is that there is no hard evidence at present that
the health of the public, in general, is being affected adversely by the
use of mobile phone technologies, but uncertainties remain and a
continued precautionary approach to their use is recommended until the
situation is further clarified."

The full press release can be found here:



Rene Tschaggelar

Greysky said:
Just got a new DSS 3 station 5.x GHz cordless telephone for the house. Boy,
does it work great, but the thought has occurred to me that these handsets
are emitting microwave radiation, right next to the brain, and we all know
what microwaves are good for .... making popcorn :) SO, am I and my
innocent family turning out brains into popcorn with these things??

What is wrong with a cable phone ? It never has old
and/or empty batteries.



What is wrong with a cable phone ? It never has old
and/or empty batteries.

Because they fall off the table when you walk into the other room? Though
I don't have either (tossed the land lines in '99 and '03).

Ken Taylor

keith said:
Because they fall off the table when you walk into the other room? Though
I don't have either (tossed the land lines in '99 and '03).
You have no table or other room? Must be a small house!


Chaos Master

Sun, 20 Feb 2005 18:59:59 +0100: Rene Tschaggelar (----> [email protected])
----> @
What is wrong with a cable phone ? It never has old
and/or empty batteries.

I have an old (1997) Toshiba (back when I bought the phone from someone
in the USA, I couldn't find cordless phones in any local shops) cordless
phone that still operates on 900MHz (?).

It has a range of ~50 meters from its "base". Good enough for using it
in any place of the house. (sometimes I have to do this because of noise
coming from the street)

And the batteries have never failed, nor they have been changed.
Still handles ~10 hours if not on its base/charger.

Chaos Master®, posting from Canoas, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil - 29.55° S
/ 51.11° W / GMT-2h / 15m .

"People told me I can't dress like a fairy.
I say, I'm in a rock band and I can do what the hell I want!"
-- Amy Lee

(My e-mail address isn't read. Please reply to the group!)

For spammers: [email protected] , or [email protected] .
Those await for your spams!

Luhan Monat

Greysky said:
Just got a new DSS 3 station 5.x GHz cordless telephone for the house. Boy,
does it work great, but the thought has occurred to me that these handsets
are emitting microwave radiation, right next to the brain, and we all know
what microwaves are good for .... making popcorn :) SO, am I and my
innocent family turning out brains into popcorn with these things??

Hey, watch out for exposure to 500,000 Ghz radiation - actually known to
turn human skin brown!

Reg Edwards

After a long conversation you can get earache due to poor circulation.

Bill Bailley

Greysky said:
Just got a new DSS 3 station 5.x GHz cordless telephone for the house.
Boy, does it work great, but the thought has occurred to me that these
handsets are emitting microwave radiation, right next to the brain, and we
all know what microwaves are good for .... making popcorn :) SO, am I
and my innocent family turning out brains into popcorn with these things??
----- Original Message -----
From: "Greysky" <[email protected]>
Sent: Sunday, February 20, 2005 7:44 PM
Subject: Are 5 GHz telephones safe?

Just got a new DSS 3 station 5.x GHz cordless telephone for the house.
Boy, does it work great, but the thought has occurred to me that these
handsets are emitting microwave radiation, right next to the brain, and we
all know what microwaves are good for .... making popcorn :) SO, am I
and my innocent family turning out brains into popcorn with these things??

Popcorn may be going a bit too far.

However, there is a growing body of knowledge that links the incidence of
the rare near-brain tumour known as an "Acoustic Neuroma" with the increased
use of mobile phones and cordless telephones.
This tumour is suspected to occur more frequently in those who have had
exposure to microwave radiation at the sort of power levels used for line of
sight communications. Exposure to radar and tropospheric scatter energy can
also be linked with this tumour.

It should be said that this is a benign nerve bundle tumour and usually
slow growing. It can eventually grow to a size that seriously restricts
space for other nerve bundles, and can cause disability/death from this
cause. Treatment will almost always involve head/neck surgery, and a strong
possibility of post operative conditions such as deafness/poor balance/poor
swallowing/facial droop/loss of eyeblink etc.

As always, there are as many opinions about the effects that radio energy
can have on the human body as there are specialists who work in this or
allied fields. It would seem prudent though, to reduce prolonged close
exposure to all kinds of radio energy until studies on this subject are more

Rich The Newsgropup Wacko

Popcorn may be going a bit too far.

However, there is a growing body of knowledge that links the incidence of
the rare near-brain tumour known as an "Acoustic Neuroma" with the increased
use of mobile phones and cordless telephones.

Yeah, typical Chicken-Little-ish assignment of blame based on correlation.

Have you ever considered that the correlation is that those who have a
predisposition to this particular flavor of cancer also have a
predisposition to engulfing their life in their cell-phone connection?

Just like the fact that those with a predisposition to lung cancer also
have a predisposition to smoking? That doesn't mean smoking dooms you -
although, I do have priveleged information as to the causes and cures
of the various cancers.

Nobody wants the real answer, of course, because it would mean that their
Master is wrong, and disloyalty causes torture prior to death.



Greysky said:
Just got a new DSS 3 station 5.x GHz cordless telephone for the house.
Boy, does it work great, but the thought has occurred to me that these
handsets are emitting microwave radiation, right next to the brain, and we
all know what microwaves are good for .... making popcorn :) SO, am I
and my innocent family turning out brains into popcorn with these things??

Microwaves opperate at 2x10^14 Hz, this is 42,850 TIMES your cordless phone
(1GHz= 10^9 Hz). Plus you oven is most likely 800-1000Watts, and you phone
is few watts at best.
