Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Antena that can sense thermal Radiation from human body



"Anthony Fremont = Psycho **** from Hell "

** Nope .....

Satan would be so jealous of losing your undivided devotion.

** Shame how many UTTERLY ASININE FUCKWIT assumptions the brain
dead, ASD fucked shitheads who post here make !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh - now I see my tiny oversight ......

those brain dead scumbags must ALL be your six toed, pointy headed,
dribbling, farting, puking relatives.

Yet to come down from the trees.

...... Phil

I've read some of this dribble, wanted to post a question about some
basic electronics . Am I in the right place? First post by the way.


I've read some of this dribble, wanted to post a question about some
basic electronics . Am I in the right place? First post by the way.- Hide quoted text -

Alright than I'll post the question according to this format: I have a
monkey butt fucker battery charger rated at scumbag ass 6/ 12vdc 2/4/6/
amps trying to run a chlorate cell. The brain dead farting thing keeps
shuting off every couple of seconds. How do I get around this? want
this scumsucker to run run run.

Rich Webb

Your a genius Dr. Phil.... I completely forgot about killfiles. Its been a
while since I had to add anyone.

The "ignore thread" feature in Agent comes in handy too, once in a

Wonder what got PA's dander up so badly today. Hangover from too much
green beer, perhaps? ;-)

Phil Allison


** What drugs are you on - imbecile ?

A massive overdose of Google Drops ??

All swallowed whole without a tiny drop of comprehension.

Who do you think you are kidding - fuckwit ?

Piss off.

...... Phil

Phil Allison

I'm aware of that effect, but the actual thermal radiation emitted by a
person can also be detected at microwave frequencies with suitable

** Thermal radiation at mm wavelengths is emitted by ANY OBJECT you ass.

The IR spectrum contains more energy and so has long been easiest to detect.

The rest if the MARKETING craopolgy you posted links to is about mm
wavelength RADAR !!

Like I said before - what drugs are you on ?

A massive overdose of Google Drops ??

All swallowed whole without a tiny drop of comprehension.

Who do you think you are kidding - fuckwit ?

........ Phil


Phil said:

** Thermal radiation at mm wavelengths is emitted by ANY OBJECT you ass.

Isn't that what I said in my post at 14:01 on 18 March 2007
The IR spectrum contains more energy and so has long been easiest to detect.

I also said IR was easier, See my post at 14:01 on 18 March 2007
The rest if the MARKETING craopolgy you posted links to is about mm
wavelength RADAR !!

Did you actually read any of them? The first two are PASSIVE, which
means that they don't transmit - it's not about radar. The last one can
be either active or passive.


"QinetiQ developed BorderwatchTM using its patented passive Millimetre
Wave technology to enable the detection of clandestines."


"Roke’s solution was to make PandoraTM a passive sensing system using


"Tadar may be configured as either a passive or active imaging system"

Phil Allison

Phil said:
Isn't that what I said in my post at 14:01 on 18 March 2007

** All posts appear with local times attached - fuckwit.

There is no " person " detector.

I also said IR was easier, See my post at 14:01 on 18 March 2007

** All posts appear with local times attached - fuckwit.

There is no " person " detector.

Did you actually read any of them?

** All marketing PUKE.

All UTTERLY irrelevant to the OP's question - fuckwit.

The first two are PASSIVE, which
means that they don't transmit - it's not about radar. The last one can
be either active or passive.

** Do you see the word ** rest ** ??

The " rest " is what is left over !!!!!!!!

Like I said before - what drugs are you on ?

A massive overdose of Google Drops ??

All swallowed whole without a tiny drop of comprehension.

Who do you think you are kidding - fuckwit ?

......... Phil

Michael A. Terrell

Phil said:
"Jon Slaughter"

** Drop fucking dead

- you utterly grotesque ASD fucked pile of human shit.

....... Phil


Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida


MiniProng has stated that he is "all muscle". Droid rage, maybe?

You are all lard. With the exception of that ass that you talk out
of. That is all lard packed full of shit.

The funniest thing is that I KNOW you are a fat ****. That is one
of the things that pisses you off, LardTard.


Alright than I'll post the question according to this format: I have a
monkey butt fucker battery charger rated at scumbag ass 6/ 12vdc 2/4/6/
amps trying to run a chlorate cell. The brain dead farting thing keeps
shuting off every couple of seconds. How do I get around this? want
this scumsucker to run run run.

A battery charger is NOT a DC source, dipshit. It is rectified AC,
and that is ALL. It also has a thermal shutdown which indicates that
you are pulling MORE than it is rated at, dipshit. So go buy a 30 Amp
charger if a charger is all you want, OR...

Buy a fucking supply that doesn't fold back on itself before its
rated output is reached, OR do your requirements analysis better and
realize that you needed a more powerful supply to begin with, you
fucking retard.


A battery charger is NOT a DC source, dipshit. It is rectified AC,
and that is ALL. It also has a thermal shutdown which indicates that
you are pulling MORE than it is rated at, dipshit. So go buy a 30 Amp
charger if a charger is all you want, OR...

Buy a fucking supply that doesn't fold back on itself before its
rated output is reached, OR do your requirements analysis better and
realize that you needed a more powerful supply to begin with, you
fucking retard.- Hide quoted text -

- Show quoted text -

Thanks for the moronic answer dickhead, Is this the best you assholes
can muster?

Rich Grise

This isn't a radio network. Propagation times vary a lot, and are not a
simple function of geographic distance. I replied to the original post,
without seeing any other reply.

Most people just ignore PA.


John Fields

Thanks for the moronic answer dickhead, Is this the best you assholes
can muster?

His answer was spot on, cuntface.

What's a dumb **** like you doing trying to run a chlorate cell
anyway? Better run over to rec.pyrotechnics and find out how _not_
to blow yer head off.

At the very least, get your head out of your ass and Google
"chlorate cell power supply."


Thanks for the moronic answer dickhead, Is this the best you assholes
can muster?

The name calling was less than required, but the answer was spot on,

If you had any brains at all, you would open it up, and bypass the
thermal switch.

But NOOOOoooooo!

You're obviously the fucking moron in this thread.


MiniProng has stated that he is "all muscle". Droid rage, maybe?



I filter on the word "ass", and it works very good. None of these
dimwits can ever post without using that word due to their
homosexuality-based fixation with the male rectum. But when you chop
out parts of the post and reply, I am forced to see them! So please,
when you reply to such a post, kindly address the OP as "Mr. Asshole"
so that my filtering remains solid protection against such deviant ass-
inclined backdoor turd burglars.

Thank you.


I filter on the word "ass", and it works very good. None of these
dimwits can ever post without using that word due to their
homosexuality-based fixation with the male rectum.

You're an idiot.



I filter on the word "ass", and it works very good. None of these
dimwits can ever post without using that word due to their
homosexuality-based fixation with the male rectum. But when you chop
out parts of the post and reply, I am forced to see them! So please,
when you reply to such a post, kindly address the OP as "Mr. Asshole"
so that my filtering remains solid protection against such deviant ass-
inclined backdoor turd burglars.

I assume you get a lot of false positives with your simple filter.


On 19 Mar 2007 14:33:20 -0700, "J.E.B." <[email protected]>
At the very least, get your head out of your ass and Google
"chlorate cell power supply."

Thanks fellows, The google key search words (chlorate cell power
supply) was enlightening. Hope my shitty humor was not to overboard.