Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Antena that can sense thermal Radiation from human body


Phil Allison

"Anthony Fremont = Psycho **** from Hell "

The most asinine, ASD FUCKED pile of human puke on usenet.

Hey phil this is serious, can I talk to you for a second?

** Nope .....

Satan would be soo jealous of losing your undivided attention.

Sucking his tiny, cold dick it your full time occupation.

This is SEB, where there are no stupid questions.

** Shame about all the UTTERLY ASININE FUCKWIT assumptions

brain dead, ASD fucked shitheads who post here make !!!!!!!!

Oh - now I see my tiny oversight .... all those brain dead scumbags

must be your six toed, pointy headed, dribbling, farting, puking relatives.

Yet to come down from the trees.

Still hanging their tails & eating their own shit.

....... Phil


This isn't a radio network. Propagation times vary a lot, and are not a
simple function of geographic distance. I replied to the original post,
without seeing any other reply.
Let alone the fact that anyone can calculate a frequency from a
period, and the fact that your figure was far more accurate than his
was, as was your description of what might be occurring.

He is an idiot (PhilTard). I would ignore him completely.

There was no plagiarism, even if you had read his CRAP first.

I am sure we'll see a flurry of "ASD fucked ASS" posts as a result,
however. He is famous for authoring meaningless, retarded, off topic
trolls of other posters.

Phil Allison

"Massive Prick Criminal Psychopath from Hades "

Also, retard boy, there is no plagiarism in Usenet.

** Of course there is

- you asinine pile of rabid dog's vomit.

You post your crap here, and it is PD.

** Got SFA to do with " plagiarism"

- you fucking illiterate, donkey cock sucker.

....... Phil

Phil Allison

"Massive Prick Criminal Psychopath from Hades "

Also, retard boy, there is no plagiarism in Usenet.

** Of course there is .....

- you asinine pile of rabid dog's vomit.

You post your crap here, and it is PD.

** Got SFA to do with " plagiarism"

- you fucking illiterate, donkey cock sucker.

....... Phil


** I deliberately waited an hour before posting any reply

You're an idiot. No deliberation required to assess that one.

The term for today is:

Public Domain.

Shame that australia's ISPs don't **** people like you out of Usenet
as you so richly deserve.

Phil Allison

"Massive Prick the Autism Victim from Hell "

Public Domain.

** Got SFA to do with "plagiarism" within the same thread on NG.


...... Phil

Anthony Fremont

Phil said:
"Anthony Fremont = Psycho **** from Hell "

The most asinine, ASD FUCKED pile of human puke on usenet.

** Nope .....

Satan would be soo jealous of losing your undivided attention.

Sucking his tiny, cold dick it your full time occupation.

** Shame about all the UTTERLY ASININE FUCKWIT assumptions

brain dead, ASD fucked shitheads who post here make !!!!!!!!

Oh - now I see my tiny oversight .... all those brain dead
must be your six toed, pointy headed, dribbling, farting, puking
Yet to come down from the trees.

Still hanging their tails & eating their own shit.

So now you're going to start a cross posted thread to rally support against
me? As if! Charles Manson has more friends than you _and_ way more social
appeal. You really are a pathetic case phil.

Don't even think for a minute that you are going to trash SEB the way you
trashed those Oz groups. If need be, I'll post a FAQ twice a day that tells
newbies about you.

I guess I wasn't clear enough before, so here it is again:

"Hey phil this is serious, can I talk to you for a second? This is SEB,
where there are no stupid questions. Only the occasional stupid fucking
asshole like yourself. Go **** yourself and then drop dead you idiotic
moron. You know philthy, it's reall too bad that you don't work with high
voltages. Keep poking in those CFLs though, you may get just what you
deserve. HTH HAND FOAD"

Now shove that up your ass where you can get a good look at it.

Now go and repeat yourself again. Or if you're really feeling frisky, go
ahead and try to put a couple of words together without making a bigger ass
of yourself. Good Luck!


Satan would be soo jealous of losing your undivided attention.

Sucking his tiny, cold dick it your full time occupation.
Grow up, you retarded dumbfuck!

Phil Allison

"Anthony Fremont = Psycho **** from Hell "

The most asinine, ASD FUCKED pile of human SHIT on usenet.

Hey phil this is serious, can I talk to you for a second?

** Nope .....

Satan would be soo jealous of losing your undivided attention.

Sucking his tiny, cold dick it your full time occupation.

This is SEB, where there are no stupid questions.

** Shame about all the UTTERLY ASININE FUCKWIT assumptions

brain dead, ASD fucked shitheads who post on SEB make !!!!!!!!

Oh - now I see my tiny oversight .... all those brain dead scumbags

must be your six toed, pointy headed, dribbling, farting, puking relatives.

Yet to come down from the trees.

Still hanging by their tails & eating their own shit.

....... Phil


Jiks said:
Can i get some help in understanding or some help regarding sensing
the radiation emitted by the human body, i recently sensed a very
feeble signal from humans using a CRO, the freq was in the range of
60us .... and had its peak amplitude at around .2 - .3 V any
idea .... how to extract info from this signal .... which peaks when
some one goes near the antena, which we devoloped.
The power received by an antenna due to thermal radiation is KTB, where
K is Boltzmann's constant, T is the antenna noise temperature in K and B
is bandwidth in Hz. Since Boltzmann's constant is very small
(1.3806503E-23) the power due to thermal noise is received by the
antenna is very small.

The antenna noise temperature is the average of the noise temperature of
everything the antenna 'sees' weighted by the antenna gain in that

Therefore you want a highly directional antenna so that the antenna
beamwidth is completely filled by the person. You also want a wide
bandwidth so as to maximise the power received. A dish antenna is
therefore probably a good choice.

The temperature of people is about 300K. Assuming an antenna bandwidth
of 1 GHz you should get about:

1.38E-23 * 300* 1e9 = 4.14e-12 W = -83.8 dBm

You will not be able to see that on an oscilloscope. To get it up to a
detectable level you want a low noise, high gain amplifier after the
antenna, then feed the output of the amplifier to a power detector and
smooth the output of the power detector with a low pass filter. Now
point your antenna at something with a very low noise temperature (the
sky is good for this, about 10k) and record the output voltage after the
low pass filter. Now point your antenna at a person - you should see a
small change in output voltage.

Another problem you have trying to detect thermal radiation from people
is that the background also emits thermal radiation, often at a very
similar level.

I don't know what that signal you saw on your CRO was, but it doesn't
sound like thermal radiation. It could be some sort of interference
which is being picked up more efficiently by the antenna.



MassiveProng said:
ANY matter at a greater temperature than absolute zero, emits IR

Any antenna you have doesn't detect a body's temperature. More
likely it detects already existing radio waves that the body increases
the reception of when proximal to the antenna.

Try it in an anechoic chamber.

IR sensors are needed to detect temperature changes in an airspace.

I do not see how an "antenna" can do this.

The same way an IR sensor does it. Infra Red and radio waves are both
electromagnetic radiation. As you rightly said, all objects above
absolute zero emit IR but they also emit radio waves and, if they are
hot enough, visible light.

It is a lot easier to use IR sensors, but if you have a sensitive enough
system you can do it at microwave and RF frequencies as well.


Phil Allison

"Gareth the Pommy Jerk Off" "

( snip pile of excremental drivel )

** What drugs are you on - imbecile ?

A massive overdose of Google Drops ??

All swallowed whole without a tiny drop of comprehension.

Who do you think you are kidding - fuckwit ?

........ Phil

Phil Allison

"Gareth the Pommy Jerk Off" "

( snip pile of excremental drivel )

** What drugs are you on - imbecile ?

A massive overdose of Google Drops ??

All swallowed whole without a tiny drop of comprehension.

Who do you think you are kidding ?

Lemme tell ya - it is nobody.

........ Phil


Phil said:
"Gareth the Pommy Jerk Off" "

( snip pile of excremental drivel )

** What drugs are you on - imbecile ?

A massive overdose of Google Drops ??

All swallowed whole without a tiny drop of comprehension.

Who do you think you are kidding - fuckwit ?

....... Phil


If you want to killfile or ignore everyone who posts here, why don't you
just stop reading this group? That way you would never have to read any
of my, as you put it in your earlier reply, "pile of excremental drivel"
ever again?


The power received by an antenna due to thermal radiation is KTB, where
K is Boltzmann's constant, T is the antenna noise temperature in K and B
is bandwidth in Hz. Since Boltzmann's constant is very small
(1.3806503E-23) the power due to thermal noise is received by the
antenna is very small.

The antenna noise temperature is the average of the noise temperature of
everything the antenna 'sees' weighted by the antenna gain in that

Therefore you want a highly directional antenna so that the antenna
beamwidth is completely filled by the person. You also want a wide
bandwidth so as to maximise the power received. A dish antenna is
therefore probably a good choice.

The temperature of people is about 300K. Assuming an antenna bandwidth
of 1 GHz you should get about:

1.38E-23 * 300* 1e9 = 4.14e-12 W = -83.8 dBm

You will not be able to see that on an oscilloscope. To get it up to a
detectable level you want a low noise, high gain amplifier after the
antenna, then feed the output of the amplifier to a power detector and
smooth the output of the power detector with a low pass filter. Now
point your antenna at something with a very low noise temperature (the
sky is good for this, about 10k) and record the output voltage after the
low pass filter. Now point your antenna at a person - you should see a
small change in output voltage.

Another problem you have trying to detect thermal radiation from people
is that the background also emits thermal radiation, often at a very
similar level.

I don't know what that signal you saw on your CRO was, but it doesn't
sound like thermal radiation. It could be some sort of interference
which is being picked up more efficiently by the antenna.

I DOUBT VERY SERIOUSLUY that in our world's RF RICH environment, that
you or anyone else will be sensing body temperature related events
from an RF antenna anytime soon. The "signal" if any is so far below
the baseline noise that you will not be able to pick it out, if it
exists at all.

That is what IR detectors (resistor bolometers) and IR Imagers (CCDs
and CMOS arrays) are for. And even those need cooling to reduce noise
for high sensitivity applications. Many also need spectral filtering.


Fred Bloggs

Phil said:
"Anthony Fremont = Psycho **** from Hell "

The most asinine, ASD FUCKED pile of human SHIT on usenet.

** Nope .....

Satan would be soo jealous of losing your undivided attention.

Sucking his tiny, cold dick it your full time occupation.

** Shame about all the UTTERLY ASININE FUCKWIT assumptions

brain dead, ASD fucked shitheads who post on SEB make !!!!!!!!

Oh - now I see my tiny oversight .... all those brain dead scumbags

must be your six toed, pointy headed, dribbling, farting, puking relatives.

Yet to come down from the trees.

Still hanging by their tails & eating their own shit.

...... Phil

LOL!!!!!!! Very funny stuff!!!!!!!


MassiveProng said:
I DOUBT VERY SERIOUSLUY that in our world's RF RICH environment, that
you or anyone else will be sensing body temperature related events
from an RF antenna anytime soon. The "signal" if any is so far below
the baseline noise that you will not be able to pick it out, if it
exists at all.

It has been done, by me and lots of other people


It has been done, by me and lots of other people

But what you sense are local RF reflections and amplifications, not
the temperature or any emission from the nearby test mass.

Same reason why an AM radio tunes differently while in your hand
than after setting it down. That is why an AM radio tuned via remote
locks onto the station better than hand tuning, and then walking away.


MassiveProng said:
But what you sense are local RF reflections and amplifications, not
the temperature or any emission from the nearby test mass.

The links I posted refer to systems which detect the thermal noise
emitted by the object itself. Measurements of thermal radiation emitted
at microwave and mm wave, as well as IR, are well established techniques
for remote sensing from satellites. The techniques have more recently
been applied to the detection of people for security applications.
Same reason why an AM radio tunes differently while in your hand
than after setting it down. That is why an AM radio tuned via remote
locks onto the station better than hand tuning, and then walking away.

I'm aware of that effect, but the actual thermal radiation emitted by a
person can also be detected at microwave frequencies with suitable
