Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Antena that can sense thermal Radiation from human body



Can i get some help in understanding or some help regarding sensing
the radiation emitted by the human body, i recently sensed a very
feeble signal from humans using a CRO, the freq was in the range of
60us .... and had its peak amplitude at around .2 - .3 V any
idea .... how to extract info from this signal .... which peaks when
some one goes near the antena, which we devoloped.

Phil Allison

** Really desperate Groper Alert

Can i get some help in understanding or some help regarding sensing
the radiation emitted by the human body, i recently sensed a very
feeble signal from humans using a CRO, the freq was in the range of
60us ..


What the heck makes this cretin imagine that a 16 kHz signal

must be human HEAT ????

.. and had its peak amplitude at around .2 - .3 V any
idea .... how to extract info from this signal .... which peaks when
some one goes near the antena, which we devoloped.

** Hey, dickhead !

Turn off the TV sets and computer monitors in the area.

........ Phil

Stephen J. Rush

Can i get some help in understanding or some help regarding sensing
the radiation emitted by the human body, i recently sensed a very
feeble signal from humans using a CRO, the freq was in the range of
60us .... and had its peak amplitude at around .2 - .3 V any
idea .... how to extract info from this signal .... which peaks when
some one goes near the antena, which we devoloped.

That wouldn't be thermal radiation; all of that is in the infrared for
objects near body temperature. Unless your "antenna" is a sensitive IR
detector, you're probably picking up something reflected from some source
in the room. If that 60 microseconds is the period, that's a frequency
of 16.666... KHz. What do you have running at that rate? A likely source
is the horizontal oscillator of a TV set at 15734 Hz, a period of 63.557

Phil Allison

"Stephen J. Rush"
That wouldn't be thermal radiation; all of that is in the infrared for
objects near body temperature. Unless your "antenna" is a sensitive IR
detector, you're probably picking up something reflected from some source
in the room. If that 60 microseconds is the period, that's a frequency
of 16.666... KHz. What do you have running at that rate? A likely source
is the horizontal oscillator of a TV set at 15734 Hz, a period of 63.557

** I deliberately waited an hour before posting any reply - then just 5
minutes later, this copycat message arrives from Mr Rush.

Far too big a conincidence to be one.

Plagiarism really needs to be just a bit less blatant.

....... Phil


Can i get some help in understanding or some help regarding sensing
the radiation emitted by the human body, i recently sensed a very
feeble signal from humans using a CRO, the freq was in the range of
60us .... and had its peak amplitude at around .2 - .3 V any
idea .... how to extract info from this signal .... which peaks when
some one goes near the antena, which we devoloped.

Hello Jiks,

You might be experiencing what I call the Termen Effect which is the
phenomenon enveloping the Theremin Antenna. It is possible to tune for
proximity detection of your body presence up to six feet away.
Distance is indicated as an audio frequency change of 20 Hz to several
kHz near the antenna. It is a process a bit more complex than the
detection of pure bodily emissions. lol

My theremin webpage ,it's a musical instrument.

Discover in fun,

* * *

Temecula CA.USA

Phil Allison

Hello Jiks,

You might be experiencing what I call the Termen Effect which is the
phenomenon enveloping the Theremin Antenna. It is possible to tune for
proximity detection of your body presence up to six feet away.

( snip blatant spam )

** Piss OFF


....... Phil

Jon Slaughter

Phil Allison said:
"Stephen J. Rush"

** I deliberately waited an hour before posting any reply - then just 5
minutes later, this copycat message arrives from Mr Rush.

Far too big a conincidence to be one.

Plagiarism really needs to be just a bit less blatant.

Phil, you really need to do something about your ego. You seem to think this
newsgroup is about who can show who the smartest is? Maybe you should have
waited longer and replied with something a bit more detailed and without all
the insults. Just cause you can insult someone doesn't mean your
intelligent... infact, it tends to be quite the opposite.

Jon Slaughter

Phil Allison said:

( snip blatant spam )

** Piss OFF


...... Phil

Hmm, so when there is a possibility that you are wrong you ignore the fact
and result to insults... This is very classy of you Phil. How bout you get
a life instead of posting every 5 mins? You seem to believe you know

Phil Allison

"Jon Slaughter"

** Drop dead

- you grotesque ASD fucked pile of shit.

Phil Allison

"Jon Slaughter"

** Drop fucking dead

- you utterly grotesque ASD fucked pile of human shit.

........ Phil

Stephen J. Rush

"Stephen J. Rush"

** I deliberately waited an hour before posting any reply - then just 5
minutes later, this copycat message arrives from Mr Rush.

Far too big a conincidence to be one.

Plagiarism really needs to be just a bit less blatant.

This isn't a radio network. Propagation times vary a lot, and are not a
simple function of geographic distance. I replied to the original post,
without seeing any other reply.

Phil Allison

"Stephen J. Rush"
Phil said:
This isn't a radio network. Propagation times vary a lot, and are not a
simple function of geographic distance. I replied to the original post,
without seeing any other reply.

** Bollocks you did.

...... Phil

Jon Slaughter

Phil Allison said:
"Jon Slaughter"

** Drop fucking dead

- you utterly grotesque ASD fucked pile of human shit.

....... Phil

Your a genius Dr. Phil.... I completely forgot about killfiles. Its been a
while since I had to add anyone.

Anthony Fremont

The said:
** Really desperate Groper Alert


What the heck makes this cretin imagine that a 16 kHz signal

must be human HEAT ????

** Hey, dickhead !

Turn off the TV sets and computer monitors in the area.

Hey phil this is serious, can I talk to you for a second? This is SEB,
where there are no stupid questions. Only the occasional stupid fucking
asshole like yourself. Go **** yourself and _then_ drop dead you idiotic
moron. You know philthy, it's reall too bad that you don't work with high
voltages. Keep poking in those CFLs though, you may get just what you
deserve. HTH HAND FOAD

Phil Allison

"Anthony Fremont = Psycho **** from Hell "

Hey phil this is serious, can I talk to you for a second?

** Nope .....

Satan would be so jealous of losing your undivided devotion.

This is SEB, where there are no stupid questions.

** Shame how many UTTERLY ASININE FUCKWIT assumptions the brain
dead, ASD fucked shitheads who post here make !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh - now I see my tiny oversight ......

those brain dead scumbags must ALL be your six toed, pointy headed,
dribbling, farting, puking relatives.

Yet to come down from the trees.

....... Phil

Phil Allison

"Anthony Fremont = Psycho **** from Hell "

Hey phil this is serious, can I talk to you for a second?

** Nope .....

Satan would be so jealous of losing your undivided devotion.

This is SEB, where there are no stupid questions.

** Shame how many UTTERLY ASININE FUCKWIT assumptions the brain
dead, ASD fucked shitheads who post here make !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Oh - now I see my tiny oversight ......

those brain dead scumbags must ALL be your six toed, pointy headed,
dribbling, farting, puking relatives.

Yet to come down from the trees.

....... Phil

Anthony Fremont

Phil said:
** Shame how many UTTERLY ASININE FUCKWIT assumptions the
brain dead, ASD fucked shitheads who post here make !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The only shame here is that you're aparently too ignorant to understand what
SEB is. What don't you understand about the word BASICS? Too bad they
don't have a news group for sociopathic savants.
Oh - now I see my tiny oversight ......

those brain dead scumbags must ALL be your six toed, pointy headed,
dribbling, farting, puking relatives.

Yet to come down from the trees.

Geez phil, 10 year old kids can do better than that. IKYABWAI......gawd
what a case


Can i get some help in understanding or some help regarding sensing
the radiation emitted by the human body, i recently sensed a very
feeble signal from humans using a CRO, the freq was in the range of
60us .... and had its peak amplitude at around .2 - .3 V any
idea .... how to extract info from this signal .... which peaks when
some one goes near the antena, which we devoloped.

ANY matter at a greater temperature than absolute zero, emits IR

Any antenna you have doesn't detect a body's temperature. More
likely it detects already existing radio waves that the body increases
the reception of when proximal to the antenna.

Try it in an anechoic chamber.

IR sensors are needed to detect temperature changes in an airspace.

I do not see how an "antenna" can do this.


"Stephen J. Rush"

** I deliberately waited an hour before posting any reply - then just 5
minutes later, this copycat message arrives from Mr Rush.

Far too big a conincidence to be one.

Plagiarism really needs to be just a bit less blatant.

You're an idiot. Any person can determine a frequency given the

Also, retard boy, there is no plagiarism in Usenet. You post your
crap here, and it is PD.

You could be a bit more retarded, just not in this life.