Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Advice on disassembling a protable DVD



Michael said:

Hi guys

I'm trying to disassemble my Panasonic DVD-LS50 (it gives me a
"code:H03" and there are rumors it suffices to clean things). I took
the machine apart with no problems, but in order to remove the motor
assembly I have to disconnect to really tiny connectors.

Could somebody please advise me what tool would be best here? O
I just use more force? I'm afraid to break something.


Any chance of posting a close-up photo of said connector?

When I opened it for the second time it realized I was serious an
started working ;-)

Here are the pictures - I would still love a reply, since I understan
this is usually a repeat problem. Here are photos of the tw
connectors. Thanks a lot.


|Filename: slarger.jpg

Michael Gray

When I opened it for the second time it realized I was serious and
started working ;-)

Here are the pictures - I would still love a reply, since I understand
this is usually a repeat problem. Here are photos of the two
connectors. Thanks a lot.


|Filename: slarger.jpg |

Well, I hate to disappoint you after going to so much trouble, but...
I don't know.
I don't remember having seen such a connector.
This comes as a bit of a shock to me, I think I'd better start
wrecking some more gear!
It doesn't look like it has a plastic slide cam that pulls out and
releases a flat flexible pcb cable as I expected it might.



Hmm uffish, is that the cable at the top of the connector comming in at
a 45º angle to the left? It's a little hard to tell from the pic. Does
that brown piece on the top of the connector lever up? It looks like an
older type of types currently seen that clamp down and can be popped up
with a fingernail under the top edge. They pivot at the bottom edge
where you see the possible hinge on the left and right.
It's hard to tell since it's so fuzzy. Need closer pics and perhaps one
of the other side of the connector on the right.