Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Mini reflow oven advice

Hey all I am venturing into making a DIY reflow oven. Been looking at many different types/styles over the last couple of years and feel now is a good time to start one.

I originally planned on building this type of toaster oven. Looked nice with a touch screen and all. It also didn’t use the stock heating elements. He used a circular halogen heating element. After talking with the guy he finally put his source code for it on his GitHub. I’ve watched his video over and over again so I could draw out the schematics and needed parts since he didn’t bother providing those in his GitHub.

I recently ran into a listing on Amazon for a mini toaster oven which looks like this:

The total watts is 550 and I know by research that it’s best to get an oven that’s between 1200-1500 Watts so this mini toaster oven falls pretty behind in that regards. However, those toaster ovens are twice the size of this mini toaster and I know the less area needing heated the less watts that would be needing. I would also consider getting one of those circular halogen to replace the top stock one in the mini - if it fits that is. Doing so would put it into that 1200-1500 watts that are suggested.

The size of the mini toaster is 8L x 6W x 7 inches height. Compared to a average cheap toaster oven measuring 15L x 10H x 11 inches height. They seem to go up to bigger sizes as the price gets more.

So, to those of you who have made their own toaster oven before - is this doable for unleaded solder with, of course, small pcbs?
Doesn't appear to be any temperature control and even if it did, cannot imagine it regulating too well.
Think you'd have a band of heat the shape of the heating element whatever that is and may not be at all suitable.
I would have thought an indirectly heated enclosure with fan circulation would be best.
Again, small enclosure like that would I imagine be difficult to regulate to any usable precise temperature.