Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Zener kinda turns on


Fred Abse

This circuit is not intended for precision and neither are
the values picked thoroughly for the precise voltage levels

Not much use as a design, then...

Fred Abse

When you can't criticize on technical grounds you grasp at straws,
criticize misspellings, and name call. Typical response from Larkin.

Who, me?

I may occasionally highlight misspellings, when they impute unintended
meaning, or unintended humor.

I never name call.

I've tried to stay away from your ongoing feuding for as long as it has
been going on. I can see merit in each of you.


Who, me?

I may occasionally highlight misspellings, when they impute unintended
meaning, or unintended humor.

I never name call.

I've tried to stay away from your ongoing feuding for as long as it has
been going on. I can see merit in each of you.

Correct self defense noted.



What a strange concept. What use is a passionless life?

Not in the least. Passion, devotion, or combinations do NOT require
obsession. Obsession is a diseased state.
Obsession can be very productive. It's the only way to design really good,
non-trivial electronics. Pretty much all the easy stuff has been done.

Not in the least, for both baseless assertions.

Too bad you are too big a narcissistic fool to see that.


Klaus Kragelund

Who, me?

I may occasionally highlight misspellings, when they impute unintended

meaning, or unintended humor.

I never name call.

I've tried to stay away from your ongoing feuding for as long as it has

been going on. I can see merit in each of you.

It's amazing that JT and JL has time for these insults to each other. Why not use that for quality time with the family instead or whatever? (and reduce the time others spend in this NG reading posts with non-technical stuff)




John said:
As usual, you open your mouth before engaging your brain (although, in
your case, I'm not sure that would make any difference.)

Look up the two words and you'll find there's quite a different
meaning associated with each one.
Oh boy, did I hear some one's window breaking?
