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Yay for Poly Paks! - 10 Famous CK722 Transistors only $1


Watson A.Name - \Watt Sun, Dark Remover\

(0) -^- (0) said:
Old Poly Pak's advertisement. From back way back when!!

Oh how I wish I had a time machine...

Presumably to go back in time and buy a bunch, and bring them into the
future to sell at a much higher price? That would be a waste of time,
no pun intended. See, the first half dozen you sell today would bring
worthwhile prices, but as soon as the very limited demand of collectors
was met, then you couldn't get pennies for those old transistors because
they're worthless for anything other than collectibles.

What you want to do is buy a few older PCs and software, and take them
back in time. You would be a millionaire after selling those to the
gummint, which could use them for doing the calculations for building
the A-bombs. Problem is, you'd go back and they wouldn't let you loose,
you'd become a state secret and they'd lock you up for your own
protection. Once the commies found out that the U.S. gummint had some
computers that were thousands of times more powerful than the puny
Eniacs then being built, they'd put a price on your head and you'd be a
marked man. Your life would be in other peoples' hands.

Steve J. Noll

On Sat, 24 Jul 2004 09:27:08 GMT,
Old Poly Pak's advertisement. From back way back when!!

Oh how I wish I had a time machine...

Remember: "Don't know why the manufacturer barreled 'em"
and for RAM chips: "just a few bad bits - program around 'em!"

And the weirdest stuff, like photo FETs (which I bought.)

Too much fun.

Steve J. Noll | Ventura California |
| The Used High-Tech Equipment Dealer Directory
| The Peltier Device Information Site:

Michael Black

Steve said:
On Sat, 24 Jul 2004 09:27:08 GMT,

Remember: "Don't know why the manufacturer barreled 'em"
and for RAM chips: "just a few bad bits - program around 'em!"

And the weirdest stuff, like photo FETs (which I bought.)
Did you buy them because you had a need, or because they were weird.
"That's not a common item, maybe some day I'll have a use for it, so
I better buy it".


Guest imagination you have there... I went from buying
CK722's with my time machine to a prisoner of the state in two
paragraphs. Very good!

Would love to hear you take on the whole Roswell Crash and then how
the Transistor was invented the very next year...Has our government
been reverse engineering alien technolgy for the last 50 years?!?!
BTW: I am not serious... I know it was good old American know-how and
Bell Labs money that did it. Still, someone should really make a good
sci-fi movie based on that plot. A good one..not crappy. I guess
there was terminator with the arnold-bot arm and all but that doesn't

What if you went back 85 years and showed Thomas Edison or Tesla a
portable DVD player? Wouldn't that be interesting? I don't think
they would be able to reverse engineer it. What would they think?

Reminds me of the quote;

"Sufficiently advanced technology would be indistinguishable from
magic"... Arthur Clarke

Ah Well..tis interesting to think about. And I wouldn't sell my
polypaks..I would hoard them to myself.. Like this one.

Couple of Clairex photocells. This is just the kind of cool stuff
you could get from them. Poly Paks was the best. Wish I had one of
these with 10 Blue CK722's inside...

Nowadays we have Dans Small Parts who is also very cool.

Highly recommended!

William P.N. Smith

What if you went back 85 years and showed Thomas Edison or Tesla a
portable DVD player?

As someone pointed out on a panel at a con a long time ago, they'd
only be able to discover that the chips were made from 100% pure


Watson A.Name - \"Watt Sun said:
Presumably to go back in time and buy a bunch, and bring them into the
future to sell at a much higher price? That would be a waste of time,
no pun intended. See, the first half dozen you sell today would bring
worthwhile prices, but as soon as the very limited demand of collectors
was met, then you couldn't get pennies for those old transistors because
they're worthless for anything other than collectibles.

What you want to do is buy a few older PCs and software, and take them
back in time. You would be a millionaire after selling those to the
gummint, which could use them for doing the calculations for building
the A-bombs. Problem is, you'd go back and they wouldn't let you loose,
you'd become a state secret and they'd lock you up for your own
protection. Once the commies found out that the U.S. gummint had some
computers that were thousands of times more powerful than the puny
Eniacs then being built, they'd put a price on your head and you'd be a
marked man. Your life would be in other peoples' hands.

All of which does a swell job of explaining why I immediately destroyed
my time machine.
I had given serious thought to going back to the 30's to help the Poles
crack Enigma but decided it just wasn't worth my trouble. <G>

Chaos Master

rm -rf /home/Watson A.Name - "Watt Sun, Dark Remover":
What you want to do is buy a few older PCs and software, and take them
back in time. You would be a millionaire after selling those to the
gummint, which could use them for doing the calculations for building
the A-bombs. Problem is, you'd go back and they wouldn't let you loose,
you'd become a state secret and they'd lock you up for your own
protection. Once the commies found out that the U.S. gummint had some
computers that were thousands of times more powerful than the puny
Eniacs then being built, they'd put a price on your head and you'd be a
marked man. Your life would be in other peoples' hands.

This would be cool. I would love to sell my PC (a Pentium II at 300MHz) in
1995 or so. I would tell people that this PC is a real "workstation".

(I just imagine using my Windows 98, with IE 6.0/Mozilla/Opera while
almost everybody [1] had Win 3.11 or 95 and was using Netscape or Mosaic). :)

[1] except Linux users.


Watson A.Name - \Watt Sun, the Dark Remover\

(0) -^- (0) said: imagination you have there... I went from buying
CK722's with my time machine to a prisoner of the state in two
paragraphs. Very good! [snip]

Thanks.... I think...
Ah Well..tis interesting to think about. And I wouldn't sell my
polypaks..I would hoard them to myself.. Like this one.

Your links are no good. When I click on them, they display
gobbledygook, the data itself instead of the pic. I have to right click
and save target as, then go back and view it with Irfanview or whatever.
Couple of Clairex photocells. This is just the kind of cool stuff
you could get from them. Poly Paks was the best. Wish I had one of
these with 10 Blue CK722's inside...

They look like they're all beat up and used.
Nowadays we have Dans Small Parts who is also very cool.

Highly recommended!

I remember seeing the ads, but my friends and I were too poor to afford
them, since we were still in school and had no job. So we had to bum
parts from the local hams and friends. A ham friend of mine got a job
at a company that fixed Motorola two-way radios, and he could get a
lotta surplus parts from JPL and the like. We got stuff that looked
like it had been used in rockets or satellites. And there were a few
places where I could spend a few dollars and get PC boards from old
second generation computers, with 2N404s and the likes on them.

Rcently I used some old 2N404s to make a couple LED V. boost circuits
with the toroid transformer and blocking oscillator. They worked pretty
good, and put out power way below 0.6V, clear down to .2V or so. So I
bought some 2N1305 germaniums on Ebay and made a couple more, and they
worked fairly well, also. With them, I can suck out just about every
last drop of power from an alkaline cell. ;-)

Michael A. Covington

As soon as we invent time machines, we'll make our fortune exporting
computers to the past.

But we'll immediately lose out to our successors, who will be exporting even
newer computers to the past.

Steve J. Noll

Did you buy them because you had a need, or because they were weird.
"That's not a common item, maybe some day I'll have a use for it, so
I better buy it".


That was sooo many years ago!

I wasn't specifically looking for photo FETS, but was very interested
in light detection hobby-wise. I don't think I was working on a
particular project at the time, but I recognized that those were
indeed uncommon devices and grabbed some. I think I tried them but
never really used them.

Funny thing is, I kept that interest and a few years later I made some
of the first two-way Amateur Radio Laser contacts, and a few years
after that started working at a major photodetector manufacturer.
Never grew up, I guess.

Steve J. Noll | Ventura California |
| The Used High-Tech Equipment Dealer Directory
| The Peltier Device Information Site:

Watson A.Name - \Watt Sun, the Dark Remover\

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