Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Korg MonoPoly not powering up.

Hi. I have a korg monopoly vintage synth which was working fine one day, then next day not firing up. I have checked visually all the internal 1A fuses but beyond that I'm not sure where to go next. My electronics experience goes as far as following instructions to modify, solder and desolder but not testing. I'm happy to follow any advice you may be able to give though. Thanks. Paul


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
the next thing I would do is to check the power supply rails. This will point you in one of 2 directions.

At extremis, it could be your power cable is unplugged or that the speaker wire has become disconnected. It's unlikely to be that easy though. ;)

Sir Electronicaz . . . . . . .

Find ye olde power cable and track down and then check out within my yellow circles over near the BIG " powerful" transformer for the unit.
Then track down and see if the +15 volts DC and -15 volts DC and 5 volts DC are coming out at those test points being shown.

Power Supply Circuitry for
. . . . . . . "The Mean Machine"


73's de Edd

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