Maker Pro
Maker Pro

XenForo 1.4 Upgrade


I've just given the site a quick upgrade to XenForo 1.4, which brings along some extra stability plus quite a few new features.

Some of the features are for mods only (for example, being able to send a member a reason if a thread is moved/deleted), but there are some things that you will quite quickly notice:
  • Online indicators for members (if enabled) - you'll see a green marker on a user avatar within a thread if they are currently online.
  • The ability to highlight text within a post and then click a popup "reply" button to selectively quote.
  • Improved poll options
Any problems just let me know :D.


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Sounds excellent.

As I was deleting a message in the moderation queue today I wondered why there wasn't a spam option there. Any way to have one?


As I was deleting a message in the moderation queue today I wondered why there wasn't a spam option there. Any way to have one?

Not my default, but I may be able to code something to do that. It seems quite illogical that there isn't one there, but I've suggested it to the developers on their site already. Let me see if there is another way :).

edit: Just checked and clicking the username brings up the member popup, where there's a spam button. Not ideal, but saves a step!
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