Maker Pro
Maker Pro

WTF ! MIT to eliminate power cords ?


D from BC

Deep Space 9 for me I reckon. A few hot babes in that too.


Ugh...Deep Space 9...I would have to be forced to watch a rerun of
I'd rather see a rerun of Farscape. The series was a work of art.

Star Trek spin offs where getting a little goofy.. Stick a pimple on
someones forehead and they're an alien..
D from BC

Rich Grise

Glad you liked it. I don't remember seeing a whole episode without
falling asleep. In fact, I would set the timer on the bedroom TV and use
it to put myself to sleep. It was fantasy, not Sci-Fi.

I dunno if I'm really wrong about categorizing Farscape as Sci Fi. I think
I call Farscape Sci Fi because the show is a psychology trip. When I think
of fantasy..I think of goofy unicorns, midgets with rings and Santa Claus.[/QUOTE]

Try "Space Opera." ;-)
