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WTF ! MIT to eliminate power cords ?


Jim Thompson

I wonder, if they tire of the sermon, they can lie down in
the pew and it'll go away?

Probably, although I suspect there's orthogonal cols to minimize that.
Isn't that one of John Woodgate's specialties?

...Jim Thompson


I wonder, if they tire of the sermon, they can lie down in
the pew and it'll go away?

Without making the system cost much more, we could make it so that it

Today's moral question: Given the above, should we?

Michael A. Terrell

MooseFET said:
Without making the system cost much more, we could make it so that it

Today's moral question: Given the above, should we?

When they lay down they should hear "Dueling Chainsaws". ;-)

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Paul Hovnanian P.E.

Robert said:
Sounds like there are some shysters that want lots of money and do
not care about a "little" fraud.
An electromagnetic field, BY DEFINITION cannot be "non-radiative" !!
Furthermore, by definition, something that is "non-radiative" goes
nowhere (unless we are talking about a gas which *diffuses* or a liquid
that *flows*).

Then again, the subject is about money that does not radiate from
suckers to liars.

This guy is a professor at MIT? I suppose one could excuse some of his
simplistic language as being intended for the dummies in the press. But
he seems to have forgotten about Tesla and even Faraday's previous work
on this topic.

It makes me wonder what sort of talent MIT and other schools are turning

Rich Grise, Plainclothes Hippie

Not personally, but I'm sure they're out there.

Same at OSU these days; they merged a couple of years ago.

That strikes me as a little overly draconian, but I take your point. :)

Well, Jim's kind of a draconian sort of guy...


Rich Grise

That's _Buck Rogers_. The possessive would be "Buck Rogers'".
-- Apostrophe Police

And Twiki said, "Beeeebeedeebeedee".

The Day The Earth Stood Still
lol... :) Buck Roger's is right.

No, "Buck Roger's" is wrong, dead wrong. His name is "Buck Rogers".
The possessive, "belonging to Buck Rogers", would be "Buck Rogers'",
pronounced, "Buck Rogerses".
I'll make up a harder one:
Robots "Huey, Louie and Dewey"

Name that movie ****** *******

Silent Running, with Bruce Dern. Really stupid movie - thankfully, it
was on TV, so free. ;-)

And, BTW, it's "Huey, Dewey and Louie." - see Walt Disney.


Rich Grise

Ok...One more...and I'm going to make this one as tough as I can..

"Had a hose plugging in and was seen vacuum cleaning."

Hint: Not animated.

I saw some lame sci-fi movie where some kid had stowed away on a
spaceship, and when the astronaut puked in his helmet, the kid
popped open his visor and vacuumed up the puke with the spaceship's
on-board vacuum cleaner. ("Hoovered it up", for you Brits. ;-) )

A few days ago, I saw some sci-fi-ish Tom Cruise flick on network TeeVee,
but the quality of the sci-fi made "Plan 9 From Outer Space" look like
"Forbidden Planet." I can't even remember the name of the flick, it was
so lame. Having never seen a Tom Cruise flick, I thought I'd give it a
view, since the price was right. I learned why I don't bother to go to
Tom Cruise flicks. ;-)


Joel Kolstad

Rich Grise said:
Silent Running, with Bruce Dern. Really stupid movie - thankfully, it
was on TV, so free. ;-)

The "making of" special where you get to see the amputees inside the robots
was kinda interesting...

IMHO, Bruce Dern is only a couple of notches above Kurt Thomas
( in acting ability.

Rich Grise

A few days ago, I saw some sci-fi-ish Tom Cruise flick on network
TeeVee, but the quality of the sci-fi made "Plan 9 From Outer Space"
look like "Forbidden Planet."

BTW, "Forbidden Planet" is a classic, but I'd recommend against renting
it to impress your date. ;-)

Although, for some reason, it makes me think of The Good Doctor, Dr.
Asimov. I have no idea why; he has no connection to the flick - maybe
it's just that they both go into the category of "Excellent SF".


Rich Grise

..let me rewrite better..

Name that robot that had a hose plugged in and was seen vacuum cleaning.
Ans. ******

Primat Conehead?


D from BC

That wouldn't be the same Kryten in "Farscape", would it? ;-)


Come to think of it.. I can't recall any robots in any episode of

D from BC

Michael A. Terrell

D said:
Oh yah ..I forgot..
Farscape ended some years ago and I still think it's the best scifi
series today.

Glad you liked it. I don't remember seeing a whole episode without
falling asleep. In fact, I would set the timer on the bedroom TV and use
it to put myself to sleep. It was fantasy, not Sci-Fi.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Rich Grise, Plainclothes Hippie

Oh yah ..I forgot..
Farscape ended some years ago and I still think it's the best scifi series

Hmm - it turns out that in Farscape, it's "Crichton".

I liked the ep where some mysterious weapon switched their minds around -
Rigel's mind moved into Crichton, Crichton's mind goes into Aeryn, the
totally hot babe, and her mind moves into Rigel.

A few minutes later, Crichton realizes he's in Aeryn's body, so he stands
there and masturbates (as a hot babe, of course). After all, what
self-respecting geek _wouldn't_ masturbate if he suddenly found himself
occupying a female body? <leer, snort>



D said:
Oh yah ..I forgot..
Farscape ended some years ago and I still think it's the best scifi
series today.

Deep Space 9 for me I reckon. A few hot babes in that too.


D from BC

Glad you liked it. I don't remember seeing a whole episode without
falling asleep. In fact, I would set the timer on the bedroom TV and use
it to put myself to sleep. It was fantasy, not Sci-Fi.

I dunno if I'm really wrong about categorizing Farscape as Sci Fi.
I think I call Farscape Sci Fi because the show is a psychology trip.
When I think of fantasy..I think of goofy unicorns, midgets with rings
and Santa Claus.
D from BC

D from BC

Hmm - it turns out that in Farscape, it's "Crichton".

I liked the ep where some mysterious weapon switched their minds around -
Rigel's mind moved into Crichton, Crichton's mind goes into Aeryn, the
totally hot babe, and her mind moves into Rigel.

A few minutes later, Crichton realizes he's in Aeryn's body, so he stands
there and masturbates (as a hot babe, of course). After all, what
self-respecting geek _wouldn't_ masturbate if he suddenly found himself
occupying a female body? <leer, snort>


In the same episode Rigol in Crichton needs to piss.
Crichton in Aeryn has to give him directions..

Stuff like that made Farscape fun to watch..

Nobody takes a piss in Star Trek..
I suspect the piss gets beamed out of the bladder and rematerializes
in space..
D from BC