Maker Pro
Maker Pro

WTF ! MIT to eliminate power cords ?



The end of the plug? Scientists invent wireless device that beams electricity
through your home.

The team from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who call their invention
'WiTricity', believe it could change the way we use electricity and do away with
the tangle of cables, plugs and chargers that clutter modern homes.

It could also allow the use of laptops and mobile phones without batteries.

I also found this older article

" You may one day be able to recharge your laptop or mobile phone without having
to plug it into the wall, says a US physicist.

Prof Soljacic says he has found a way of transmitting energy so that only the
devices that it is recharging will pick it up, so it will not affect humans.

Instead of using traditional radiation, he wants to use the part of the
electromagnetic field that is 'non-radiative'.

He says devices can be tuned to the frequency of this field and thus act as a
sink for all the energy the transmitter gives out. "


martin griffith

The end of the plug? Scientists invent wireless device that beams electricity
through your home.

The team from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who call their invention
'WiTricity', believe it could change the way we use electricity and do away with
the tangle of cables, plugs and chargers that clutter modern homes.

It could also allow the use of laptops and mobile phones without batteries.

I also found this older article

" You may one day be able to recharge your laptop or mobile phone without having
to plug it into the wall, says a US physicist.

Prof Soljacic says he has found a way of transmitting energy so that only the
devices that it is recharging will pick it up, so it will not affect humans.

Instead of using traditional radiation, he wants to use the part of the
electromagnetic field that is 'non-radiative'.

He says devices can be tuned to the frequency of this field and thus act as a
sink for all the energy the transmitter gives out. "


more stuff here

Bet it will hide all those WiFi allergy symptoms


D from BC

The end of the plug? Scientists invent wireless device that beams electricity
through your home.

The team from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who call their invention
'WiTricity', believe it could change the way we use electricity and do away with
the tangle of cables, plugs and chargers that clutter modern homes.

It could also allow the use of laptops and mobile phones without batteries.

I also found this older article

" You may one day be able to recharge your laptop or mobile phone without having
to plug it into the wall, says a US physicist.

Prof Soljacic says he has found a way of transmitting energy so that only the
devices that it is recharging will pick it up, so it will not affect humans.

Instead of using traditional radiation, he wants to use the part of the
electromagnetic field that is 'non-radiative'.

He says devices can be tuned to the frequency of this field and thus act as a
sink for all the energy the transmitter gives out. "


"Huhhh...I'm dead...leave me alone.."
Yah..but somebody's thinking of broadcasting power again..
"Brainnnnzzz (like a zombie)....must eat brainnzzz... Tesla...go eat
brains now.." :p

D from BC
" Various methods of transmitting power wirelessly have been known for centuries."

Centuries (pl) ? That must means at least 2 centuries.

Who knew about transmitting power wirelessly in 1807 or before ?


I sure hope they're well embarrassed for claiming to have invented
anything in that area. How much funding do you suppose it will get

BTW, I believe it stated in that very article (which I don't at all
blame you for not reading in its entirety) that efficiency was on the
order of ~42%, and that they'd have to spend two to five years working
on it in order to double it to a useable level.

Maybe for their next trick they'll reinvent AC.
I sure hope they're well embarrassed for claiming to have invented
anything in that area. How much funding do you suppose it will get

BTW, I believe it stated in that very article (which I don't at all
blame you for not reading in its entirety) that efficiency was on the
order of ~42%, and that they'd have to spend two to five years working
on it in order to double it to a useable level.

Maybe for their next trick they'll reinvent AC.

Sorry about that, it seems I read a different article than linked to
here. Can you really blame me for not wanting to read it twice? Here's
another article where they comment on the efficiency of it anyway:

Jim Thompson

"Huhhh...I'm dead...leave me alone.."
Yah..but somebody's thinking of broadcasting power again..
"Brainnnnzzz (like a zombie)....must eat brainnzzz... Tesla...go eat
brains now.." :p

D from BC

My apologies, MIT has gone Demoncrat on us. This deviation from the
true MIT "nuts and bolts" engineering was a big contributor to my
deciding to retire from the Educational Council in April :-(

...Jim Thompson


The end of the plug? Scientists invent wireless device that beams electricity
through your home.

The team from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who call their invention
'WiTricity', believe it could change the way we use electricity and do away with
the tangle of cables, plugs and chargers that clutter modern homes.

It could also allow the use of laptops and mobile phones without batteries.

I also found this older article

" You may one day be able to recharge your laptop or mobile phone without having
to plug it into the wall, says a US physicist.

Prof Soljacic says he has found a way of transmitting energy so that only the
devices that it is recharging will pick it up, so it will not affect humans.

Instead of using traditional radiation, he wants to use the part of the
electromagnetic field that is 'non-radiative'.

He says devices can be tuned to the frequency of this field and thus act as a
sink for all the energy the transmitter gives out. "


Popular electronics or some such, way back when had a schematic for a
batteryless transistor radio, which was powered by the signal from a
strong local station to power a separate tuner that you listened to.
(crystal earphones only, please).

Joel Kolstad

Jim Thompson said:
My apologies, MIT has gone Demoncrat on us. This deviation from the
true MIT "nuts and bolts" engineering was a big contributor to my
deciding to retire from the Educational Council in April :-(

No, no Jim, you should *encourage* this trend -- more consulting work for you
in the future! :)

There was a guy at the last Oregon State University engineering expo who had,
as his project... an... 8:1 multiplexer... built using... TTL logic.
Oooooohhhh! Aaaahhhh!

At least he didn't use a microcontroller?

Michael A. Terrell

Joel said:
No, no Jim, you should *encourage* this trend -- more consulting work for you
in the future! :)

There was a guy at the last Oregon State University engineering expo who had,
as his project... an... 8:1 multiplexer... built using... TTL logic.
Oooooohhhh! Aaaahhhh!

At least he didn't use a microcontroller?

Now if it was a TTL Analog Multiplexer it would have been

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Jim Thompson

No, no Jim, you should *encourage* this trend -- more consulting work for you
in the future! :)

There was a guy at the last Oregon State University engineering expo who had,
as his project... an... 8:1 multiplexer... built using... TTL logic.
Oooooohhhh! Aaaahhhh!

At least he didn't use a microcontroller?

I also discovered it did not go over well when I commented, "I just
met some recent MIT grads who went to work at Intel. I've known
robots with more personality and creativity" ;-)

...Jim Thompson

Michael A. Terrell

Jim said:
I also discovered it did not go over well when I commented, "I just
met some recent MIT grads who went to work at Intel. I've known
robots with more personality and creativity" ;-)

'C3PO' or 'Marvin. the paranoid android'?

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida

Joel Kolstad

Jim Thompson said:
I also discovered it did not go over well when I commented, "I just
met some recent MIT grads who went to work at Intel. I've known
robots with more personality and creativity" ;-)

Nice. :)

There was a section of that last engineering expo devoted to "green"
technologies -- which I think is perfectly reasonable to encourage! -- but I
was incredulous that groups would have projects such as a wind-powered water
heater and they hadn't measured the *efficiency* of their designs. Sheesh...
(The groups were "multi-disciplinary" in that often there'd be some EEs and
MEs paired, some were "EE heavy" or "ME heavy" and it seemed like the "ME
heavy" groups often had a better grasp of, "Yeah, it works, but how does it
compare to the currently available off-the-shelf solutions in terms of cost,
efficiency, strength, etc..." -- I have a suspicion that there's a greater
percentage of MEs who had hands-on experience as gearheads or whatever than
there are EEs who've messed around with radios or robots or whatever prior to
college these days...)

Rich Grise

The end of the plug? Scientists invent wireless device that beams
electricity through your home.

The team from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who call their
invention 'WiTricity', believe it could change the way we use electricity
and do away with the tangle of cables, plugs and chargers that clutter
modern homes.

It could also allow the use of laptops and mobile phones without

So, I see Dr. Tesla's Induction Coil is back in fashion this year. ;-)


Jim Thompson

Nice. :)

There was a section of that last engineering expo devoted to "green"
technologies -- which I think is perfectly reasonable to encourage! -- but I
was incredulous that groups would have projects such as a wind-powered water
heater and they hadn't measured the *efficiency* of their designs. Sheesh...
(The groups were "multi-disciplinary" in that often there'd be some EEs and
MEs paired, some were "EE heavy" or "ME heavy" and it seemed like the "ME
heavy" groups often had a better grasp of, "Yeah, it works, but how does it
compare to the currently available off-the-shelf solutions in terms of cost,
efficiency, strength, etc..." -- I have a suspicion that there's a greater
percentage of MEs who had hands-on experience as gearheads or whatever than
there are EEs who've messed around with radios or robots or whatever prior to
college these days...)

I think there several unfortunate changes...

Anyone know a kid who "tinkers" with electronics, builds his own
stuff, _even_ from kits?

Even MIT now calls the department "Electrical Engineering and Computer

I'm of the old school... I wouldn't allow calculators until college,
and no simulators until senior year ;-)

It's pretty clear from the postings on just this newsgroup that the
youth of this day (and even most adults) don't have a clue about
electronic fundamentals... if they can't cut and paste it from some
App Note they don't have even a single idea as to where to begin :-(

...Jim Thompson

Joel Kolstad

Jim Thompson said:
Anyone know a kid who "tinkers" with electronics, builds his own
stuff, _even_ from kits?

Not personally, but I'm sure they're out there.
Even MIT now calls the department "Electrical Engineering and Computer

Same at OSU these days; they merged a couple of years ago.
I'm of the old school... I wouldn't allow calculators until college,
and no simulators until senior year ;-)

That strikes me as a little overly draconian, but I take your point. :)

Robert Baer

Eeyore said:
The end of the plug? Scientists invent wireless device that beams electricity
through your home.

The team from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, who call their invention
'WiTricity', believe it could change the way we use electricity and do away with
the tangle of cables, plugs and chargers that clutter modern homes.

It could also allow the use of laptops and mobile phones without batteries.

I also found this older article

" You may one day be able to recharge your laptop or mobile phone without having
to plug it into the wall, says a US physicist.

Prof Soljacic says he has found a way of transmitting energy so that only the
devices that it is recharging will pick it up, so it will not affect humans.

Instead of using traditional radiation, he wants to use the part of the
electromagnetic field that is 'non-radiative'.

He says devices can be tuned to the frequency of this field and thus act as a
sink for all the energy the transmitter gives out. "

Sounds like there are some shysters that want lots of money and do
not care about a "little" fraud.
An electromagnetic field, BY DEFINITION cannot be "non-radiative" !!
Furthermore, by definition, something that is "non-radiative" goes
nowhere (unless we are talking about a gas which *diffuses* or a liquid
that *flows*).

Then again, the subject is about money that does not radiate from
suckers to liars.

Robert Baer

Eeyore said:
martin griffith wrote:

" Various methods of transmitting power wirelessly have been known for centuries."

Centuries (pl) ? That must means at least 2 centuries.

Who knew about transmitting power wirelessly in 1807 or before ?

I ain't no historian and do not pay attention to dates; but i
understand that Hertz was not the first to do a little demonstration...