Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Wireless Remote Control AC Power Outlet US Plug Switch For Small Appliances FSS

I want to create a remote button that is effective only within 8' area. When the button I tapped, it would turn on a light.

Does anyone know if this already exist?

If it doesn't exist, are there people in the Seattle area interested in helping me create one?
Hi, and welcome to the forum!

"8 feet'' is a distance, not an area.

Do you mean it should work inside circle of 8 foot radius, and should not work if the distance is 8.1 feet?

Should it work through obstacles and walls, or only if the receiver is visible?

This is not a simple problem.

It occurred to me that you did say it has to be wireless. So button on an 8 foot cord would meet your specification!

Okay. First the distance was 8 feet. Now it is 8 to 10 feet.

Does the button work at 4 feet? Is it a problem if it works at 12 feet?

Ok, let's say 10'.
If there are two remote systems next to each other, I don't want one button setting off another person's system.

I am completely ignorant on how this type of system works. So, please be patient with what is obvious to
So the button works only if it is exactly 10 feet from the receiver?

It would help if you answered my questions instead of just changing your story each time without clarifying anything.

If you are worried about one button setting off two systems, that is handled in a completely different way than limiting the distance.

1st Question.

Question. If you are worried about one button setting off two systems, that is handled in a completely different way than limiting the distance.
Answer. This is the crux. Yes, I prefer to not worry about distance and just focus on 1 remote button, setting off one light source, no matter how many other remote buttons are around.
I am trying to be very patient here, but it is difficult.

Let me describe what I think you want, and let's see if I have it right, mostly though use of my crystal ball.

You have two devices in the same room that you want to control with two remote buttons, also in the same room.

You want button 1 to control only device 1, and button 2 to control only device 2.

They should work at least up to 10 feet away from the receiver.

The receiver switches an AC outlet into which you plug the devices.

Is all of this correct?
