Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Which is more economical - electric or natural gas water heater?



Steve Scott said:
FidoNET. :) Talk about a blast from the past. Many moons ago I ran
a BBS on an Atari ST. Hooked it into FidoNET. I don't even recall
what software I used to do that now, but it wasn't very user friendly.
:) What a pain in the butt. Then went to running a BBS on a PC with
WildCat. MUCH easier. Multi-node with DesQview.

I haven't been on a BBS in so long. Is FidoNET still around? more thought..
We used to post real frequently from a BBS called "The Whale Zoo", Lynne
Edel (Miller) used to run it out of her home in Greensboro. Impressive setup
she had at the time..A C-64, 128, and several Amigas running it.
HAL, C-net64, Atredes, Skyline..Skyterm..Paragon...all spoken there.
Murder been a while. That game that EVERYONE knew on
a BBS was developed by a guy from the Magic Foam BBS up the road...Steven
White IIRC, and another guy Sean something....the three got together and
worked on the module loads...most of it thought up at some REALLY wild damn
parties she threw..


It was a lot more exciting to plug into the VHF radio and run 1200 baud to
digipeaters, and nodes to see how far your could get before the ACK timed
out... farthest I ever got was from San Francisco to Ohio :)

SolarFlare said:
It was exciting pluging that old handset into the ear
muffs at 300 baud and playing text based computer golf.


SolarFlare said:
It was exciting pluging that old handset into the ear
muffs at 300 baud and playing text based computer golf.

Or checking the logs the following morning to see if UUCP had managed to
download/copy files overnight ;-)



I know all about Fidonet and Im not impressed that you are going on
I could be childish like you and say I have millions of dollars but that
would be stooping to your level.
I have a job where I can come and go as I please and do what ever I want.
FYI I dropped 250 on my wife and she stays around anyway. That's what
happens when you have
a large penis. ;o) Further more If I had 250k I would give it to people
that need it. Good thing you have all that money so you buy Viagra. Send
your wife my love. ;o)
Just because you run a business don't think you're any smarter than I am.
Your techs are not smarter then me either. I have 50 times the knowledge and
skills they do.
Your fucking jaw would drop if you knew what I knew. I work with people
that have PHD's
all day long. At least I have an excuse for bragging. If you are as old as
you claim to be you need to serioulsy
grow the **** up not me. Go enjoy your vaction troll boy.


Drums said:
I know all about Fidonet and Im not impressed that you are going on
I could be childish like you and say I have millions of dollars but that
would be stooping to your level.
I have a job where I can come and go as I please and do what ever I want.
FYI I dropped 250 on my wife and she stays around anyway. That's what
happens when you have
a large penis. ;o)

Thats what she said to me

Further more If I had 250k I would give it to people
that need it. Good thing you have all that money so you buy Viagra. Send
your wife my love. ;o)
Just because you run a business don't think you're any smarter than I am.
Your techs are not smarter then me either. I have 50 times the knowledge
skills they do.
Your fucking jaw would drop if you knew what I knew. I work with people
that have PHD's
all day long. At least I have an excuse for bragging. If you are as old
you claim to be you need to serioulsy
grow the **** up not me. Go enjoy your vaction troll boy.

You bit..cross posting whore.
I wont get more personal.


Well if you intend on getting one you might find I know more then the idiots
who claim to sell and install them. ;o)

Steve Spence

Steve said:
FidoNET. :) Talk about a blast from the past. Many moons ago I ran
a BBS on an Atari ST. Hooked it into FidoNET. I don't even recall
what software I used to do that now, but it wasn't very user friendly.
:) What a pain in the butt. Then went to running a BBS on a PC with
WildCat. MUCH easier. Multi-node with DesQview.

I haven't been on a BBS in so long. Is FidoNET still around?

Did the packet radio BBS on commode 64 years ago. Still have the TNC

Moved to BBS on pc with 4 dialup lines on a rocket port, then switched
to webservers in '94


Steve Spence said:
Did the packet radio BBS on commode 64 years ago. Still have the TNC

I built my modom inside the C-64 keyboard, and used a software TNC with
Digipeat/BBS/Nodes. At that point, Fido was a dogs name.


I built my modem with an XR2206/XR2211 chip set on a pair of 2inch sq
experimenter boards....the whole thing cost less than $5 to build... it ran
off the internal power of the computer. A couple of years later I upgraded
and built a modem with an AMD-7910 chip.

SolarFlare said:
My earmuff modem was hooked to a homemade modem circuit
running off a 6800D2 kit with hex keypad into a
Heathkit terminal. 2K or ram memory was a pipe dream
for me.



I did figure out that you can call the manufacturer and tell them you want
to experiment with XX chip or chipset, and they will send you some in the
mail for free :)