Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Requesting more Greek letters


Hop - AC8NS
The symbols we currently have (Ω, μ, and ±) are certainly useful in technical discussions, but I keep a Microsoft Windows symbol page (charmap.exe) open to select the "special characters" that I need to insert in text from time to time. Users of Linux and iOS may have similar resources available.

What would really be useful is a pop-up window that offers a large choice of commonly used symbols, like @bertus shows in his screen-capture in his post #7 above. That is what keeping a character-map page open in my browser does: it displays a humongous choice of symbols in many different type fonts. Sometimes this is more information than I need, so a smaller, curated selection, appropriate to the forums would be appreciated. I would add these two symbols to the list: ©, ®.

Harald Kapp

@eerob , @eezac : Please consider this request. It is not the first request of this kind.

While you're at it, users also regularly complain about not being able to upload images. Usually this is due to oversized pictures. We generally recommend to resize to y 300 kB. It would help if either the error message states more clearly what the issue is including the concrete limit for image size or (imho the better solution) if the forum would allow to upload images of any size. Resizing could be done on the server to save hard disk memory space. This seems to be a pretty standard procedure used by other fora.
The symbols we currently have (Ω, μ, and ±) are certainly useful in technical discussions, but I keep a Microsoft Windows symbol page (charmap.exe) open to select the "special characters" that I need to insert in text from time to time. Users of Linux and iOS may have similar resources available.

What would really be useful is a pop-up window that offers a large choice of commonly used symbols, like @bertus shows in his screen-capture in his post #7 above. That is what keeping a character-map page open in my browser does: it displays a humongous choice of symbols in many different type fonts. Sometimes this is more information than I need, so a smaller, curated selection, appropriate to the forums would be appreciated. I would add these two symbols to the list: ©, ®.
I often keep windows character map open. Many tables available there. The "not equal to" symbol I used in post #8 was taken from those tables but I had to resize it considerably. Actual size ≠. Hmmm. That one is from Franklin Gothic medium. The one I used in post #8 was about 3 times "dot" size. Ah well.


Hop - AC8NS
The forum appears to default to Arial type-font, with sizes available varying from 1 to 7as shown here. The default size seems to be 4. I am not a big fan of sans serif fonts, so I usually choose Times New Roman for serious writing so as to easily distinguish between 1, l, and I like this: 1, l, I. For the visually challenged among us, that would be "one", "lower-case ell" and "upper case eye". There are other examples where confusion can exist, but context will usually resolve the issue. When proof-reading something I have written, it saves me a lot of time to NOT have to try to decipher "look alike" sans serif characters.

±μΩ ±μΩ ±μΩ ±μΩ ±μΩ ±μΩ ±μΩ

The symbols shown above range in decreasing size from 7 to 1, so choose according to how you want the symbol to appear in your text.

If you discover you are using the same group of symbols many times in your text, it may help to import them to a separate document from which you can cut-and-paste selected symbols.
Good point about the one, the ell, and the i. I seem to recall that I generally use 12 to 18 point fonts when using word processors, text editors and the like. I most often use the Mongolian Baiti font. Somewhat robust. Now that you mention it, the numeral one and lower case ell appear to be identical.MONGOLIAN BAITI.png