Maker Pro
Maker Pro

What type of wires for speakers?



Sjouke said:
If you want to know the size of a wire, why not use the
size, instead of a silly translation table called awg???

Every wire here is specified in mm or mm2. What could be simpler ?

The metric system really is very good you know although I do still use inches and
feet for some everyday measures.



Michael A. Terrell said:
Because the manufactures make AWG wire in the US, not Metric, silly.

To be fair, many Chinese manufactureres can source AWG wire to humour the Americans
who haven't heard of the metric system yet.



John said:
Since magnet wire is usually used for electrical rather than structural
purposes, more often than not one would want to know the resistance per
unit length, in which case one would need a silly little table to get
the size anyway, unless one happened to memorize the resistivity of
copper and could work out the required diameter from the length.

On a more personal note, for my purposes and for my customers AWG works
out just fine, so it's not like all of a sudden I'm going to throw out
all of my wire and replace it with metric just to accede to demands for
political correctness from you right pondians.

You're saying you can't do basic resistance calculation from raw data ? You have to
use a 'table' ? Grow up John.

This is the 21st century.



John said:
Resistance per unit length, Graham, is usually the criterion by which
the diameter is determined and, as I stated in another post, unless you
know the resistivity of copper and can work out its diameter from the
length and allowable resistance for the run, a table will be required no
matter what.

Normally specified on metric data sheets. If not, the calculation is trivial

Old news.

The French finessed you with their B&S gauge, which we adopted and
called AWG, and guess what?

We got to the moon and got to be the most powerful nation on the face of
the Earth with that. And you?

The most indebted nation on the earth actually.

You're still hedging your bets by holding on to the 'almighty' Pound
instead of jumping into the pool with the rest of the United States of


Why not ?

Because you want to be separate from, yet considered to be part of, the
European community.

Frankly we should be in charge of it. Like the Empire. There's more than few nations
like Poland and the Czech Republic that would like to see us take a more prominent
role. Especially as we provide virtually all the military cover for the EU.

A Washington, D.C., kind of presence I suspect, and yet, AFAIK, you all
have no constitution.

You know - there's this thing called EFTA that contains most of the richest European
nations. Tempting isn't it.

We used to belong to it btw. As far as I'm concerned, France, Germany, Spain and
Italy can go **** themselves.

Except we want French reactors.



I've barely an idea what an ounce is anymore unless I seriously think about it.

Pot ? Would you care to clarify ? If you mean cannabis, certainly not for 10 years or
more and I never liked smoking it anyway.

A cup of tea?

I don't drink tea except in China. They have nice flower teas there.

A pint of ale?

Bigger than yours !

A Pound, Sterling?

Worth one heck of a lot more than some US dollar.


John Robertson

This post in in the same genre of cables (my last query was about HDMI
cables and thanks I got good convincing responses). This one is about
speaker cables.

I am connecting my Pioneer receiver to my focal surround sound
speakers. My retailer sold me $80 audioquest cables (apaparently they
are thicker and the wires don't intertwine i.e. they go through
straight). I was told I will hear the difference between cheaper
speaker wires and these. Is there a difference between using these
speaker wires or the cheaper 16 guage belkin speaker wires ($25) or
the monster speaker wires ($35)


Yes, there is a difference. The Monster cables are more expensive.

16 gauge 'speaker' wire has the same capacity for current (what actually
drives your speaker cones) as 16 gauge house extension cords - but which
one is cheaper? If I really cared at all I'd simply get a 14 gauge
extension power cord and cut the ends off and use that to hook up my

John :-#)#

(Please post followups or tech inquiries to the newsgroup)
John's Jukes Ltd. 2343 Main St., Vancouver, BC, Canada V5T 3C9
Call (604)872-5757 or Fax 872-2010 (Pinballs, Jukes, Video Games)
"Old pinballers never die, they just flip out."


The right-wing under Thatcher ensured the near total destruction of our manufacturing
economy. Companies like GEC that built many of our early ones simply no longer exist.

See any similarities going on over your way ?
