Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Type of wires


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
no, impedance refers to the reactance caused by distributed inductance and capacitance. It is unrelated to length.
As I suggested, look up 'coaxial cable' on Wikipedia, it will dobtless tell you about cable impedance.
It has nothing to do with distance.
Why should we try to help you if you will not help yourself?


how to help yourself??

learn to use google is a good start

on this and other forums, we try and teach people to do their own research and then come back and ask specific questions about things they read

When people just get spoon-fed all the answers, they never really learn anything and become lazy and never trying to do some learning for themselves

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In #19 I suggested that you look up 'coaxial cable' on Wikipedia. This you did not do, it gives a lot of information on cable impedence.