Maker Pro

What is your favourite type of component?

What is your favourite type of component?

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Op-amp. Do a lot of things with an op-amp. 555 timer, makes a nice looking door stop when 1000 of them are set in clear epoxy resin. :)


Sadly passed away in 2015
Good point Adam! Op-amps are very versatile and many of the modern ones have amazing performance figures.
I have grown to love the programmable chips such as PICs and ATMELs. I suppose I can say that I am really torn between those and transistors though. However, those chips CONTAIN I get the best of both!

But as you know, "Resistance is futile!"
To make something at all you need most of the choices, plus more, so I can't say anything is a favorite. You need what is necessary to make and hit the target construction requirements. On the microcontroller side I do have some favorite brands, but that is different question. I just recently made my first design of small SMT components, where a 0402 resistor is on the big side. That was very enjoyable, and could fast become a favorite. :)
54LS***, 74LS***, in fact the whole TTL family. Cheap, easy to work with, prototype boards are easy - (think wire wrap). Lots of interface chips, and when combined with a microprocessor- sky's the limit.
My first thought was the humble, and so frequently overlooked in the popularity polls, Printed Circuit Board, without which nothing would really hang together.

Then I thought of the CA3086, 5 closely matched transistors on a single chip. It can be used for some amazing things if you understand your transistor equations. I have used them for
  • Logarithmic amplifier
  • As the heart of an ambient light level meter with a digital output and a 5 to 6 decade dynamic range (it also contained a small 8-bit micro)
  • Temperature stabilised differential amplifier front end (in the days before you could buy a chopper stabilised op-amp and get change out of a couple of dollars).
Who else has done interesting things with a CA3086?
Well there are lots of lovely components. LEDs are pretty but not as magic as a nice glowing valve, especially when it gets a blue glow as well. Op-amps are great, but my feelings for them are marred by early experience with unstable and temperamental ones. And getting electric shocks from big inductors was exciting. Transistors were amazing when I first got those - though so boring to look at and so confusing when they got NPN and PNP (I still get mixed up! But valves, you could SEE the electrons going from cathode to anode).

But the single component that has to be top is the 555. From the first one it always did exactly what it said on the box - and lots more beside. I can't think of another specific numbered component that I've used continuously from when it became available to the present day. I suppose the 10k resistor might be a runner, but if it disappeared overnight, I could happily substitute another value. What would we do without the 555? (Use microcontrollers for everything I expect.) Its about the only chip that I look at the internal circuit and wonder how else I can use those subcircuits.
Just a shame you grouped them with other chips. Yes many of them are very good, but is any as unique as the 555?
1000 555's not used as a door stop....Just because somebody hates them......... Adam!!:eek::p:p
I don't have much experience with IC's but I am getting quite familiar with the CD4017 and really like how versatile it can be...I know it's old! But it's quite new to me!:)
So my favourite component at the moment is a diode!! More specifically for diode steering...

To me, that is a strange question...

Whatever does the task that needs solving.
In the easiest, cheapest and fastest way possible;)

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