Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Favourite low offset op-amp



There is a great story about the test pilot for the boeing 707, on the
introduction to the public. Here is a video that describes it:

The amazing thing abut that is that the aircraft never new it was
upside-down. It was a perfect 1G roll (no change in the gravity vector).
It was impressive to see, though not so once the physics are understood.
"Tex" Johnson was "suspended" (he ws reinstated after promising never
to do it again) for doing something "that dangerous", but the Dash-80 (the
707 prototype) didn't care a bit.


There is a great story about the test pilot for the boeing 707,
on the introduction to the public. Here is a video that describes it:
Bob Monsen

....and for those who don't have the patience for automated pages
which mess around without telling you what they're doing
or for those who don't bother with proprietary video formats:
Be warned--it's 707_roll_video.wmv.

Mark Zenier

Burr-Brown did a very impressive potted-brick opamp using modulated
varicaps in the front end; CMRR was about infinite, as the entire
input circuit was transformer-coupled. I think Bob Pease did an
article on it.


"The Story of the P2"...

Chapter 9 in _Analog Circuit Design: Art, Science, Personalities_

Mark Zenier [email protected] Washington State resident