Maker Pro
Maker Pro

What is the root of this BMW design flaw in all 3,5,7 series BMWtrunk wiring looms?


Scott Dorsey

Cydrome Leader said:
probably, although I've never seen anything from lucas here.

Don't blame Lucas so much, because Lucas did make some decent systems for
some British cars. Blame Triumph and MG who wanted the cheapest possible
electrics from Lucas.

Although whoever decided it would be a good idea just to dispense with the
headlight relay and use a 30A switch on the dashboard probably has a special
corner of hell reserved for them. And don't get me started on the ignition
coil designs...

jim beam

On 03/21/2013 10:45 AM, jim beam wrote:
so why do you keep coming back? [rhetorical] you are truly brain

Boredom? the need to feel better about myself? Who knows.

being confronted with your own pathetic failings makes you feel better
about yourself? you really are fucking brain damaged.

Clearly most of the intelligent people have left Usenet; I guess I'm a
little nostalgic for the good old days when we used to have actual
intelligent, enlightening discussions.

you never contributed to an intelligent discussion in your life. and
certainly not with crap about trunk organization or how to wash shit of
a window.

A little libertarian/egalitarian
part of me truly believes that a moderated forum is inferior in most
ways to an unmoderated group; however, you and others like you are
starting to make me seriously question that belief.

i don't give a **** what you believe. all i care about is that you
constantly pollute the net with your unspeakable stupidity and inability
to learn a single damned thing. just **** off and stay fucked off.

Nate Nagel

On 03/21/2013 10:21 PM, jim beam wrote:
all i care about is that you
constantly pollute the net with your unspeakable stupidity and inability
to learn a single damned thing. just **** off and stay fucked off.

Odd, that's exactly how the rest of us feel about you.

jim beam

On 03/21/2013 10:21 PM, jim beam wrote:
all i care about is that you

Odd, that's exactly how the rest of us feel about you.

"us"??? so you're not just anosognosic, you're schizo too!

brain damaged retard.


Nate Nagel said:
Man Look! I came here for an argument.
Mr Barnard (calmly) Oh! I'm sorry, this is abuse.
Man Oh I see, that explains it.
Stolen from "Monty Python".