Maker Pro
Maker Pro

what do i need to make a motor timer/controller?

thanks steve, would love to of used your diagram but i couldnt understand it as i dont know what everything is

Just for clarification, if you took and deleted everything except for R7 and C3, to the left of the 555. It is exactly the same design as you already have except it is only driving one output ATM.
well to me it looks complicated and at the time i wasnt sure how to add extra relays etc so would lead to more questions than my previous diagram. but i will use it and have been using it for reference and greatly appreciate the input.

ive made some changes that have been pointed out to me like + and - being joined together which wasnt very smart but hopefully now its starting to look something like it?
You are getting there. The power to the 555, pin 8 should come from the supply smoothed by the capacitor, not direct from the input.

The 10k feed resistor seems too high to me. Steve suggested 100R.



¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Several things.

Firstly, you've used a 10k resistor for decoupling. Use a 100 ohm.

Secondly, you've decoupled the 4017, but not the 555. Disconnect pin 8 of the 555 from where it is connected and connect it to the same place pin 16 of the 4017 is connected.

Thirdly, make all of your ground connections point down. Not up, not sideways, DOWN.

Fourthly, if you want 8 outputs (3, 2, 4, 7, 10, 1, 5, 6), then the NINTH output (pin 9) should be connected to the reset.

And again, the diagram I showed you earlier was simply to show how a single 4017 output needs to be connected to drive a relay. You say it sounds complex, but you have drawn it 4 times already.

Your diagram looks far more complex because your layout is poor, but it's essentially the same.
And a bit worse!

You have taken the motor supply from the smoothed source. This will put the interference straight back into the chips and the voltage drop across the 100R resistor will be excessive.

Connect the motor supply directly to the input voltage.

Better, but still leaving something to be desired. You need to take your time reading & drawing.
How's this?


  • relaysequenceedited6.PNG
    34.9 KB · Views: 87
Better, but still leaving something to be desired. You need to take your time reading & drawing.
How's this?

Show off :)

but thanks though.

Reading is ok but i cant learn everything in a few days so thats why i came on here.

Drawing isn't one of my strong points either but paintbrush doesn't help my situation.

Im a car mechanic by trade so i just know how to test components tolerances by following information from Autodata and such like.
You do much better with Paintbrush than I can manage.
I either sketch the circuit on the back of an envelope and scan it (quick) or use ExpressSCH which is slower, needs to be learnt and gives a neat output.
There is an example of both methods that I have used on this thread.



¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
Unfortunately I've been away from my scanner so I have not been able to draw and scan stuff for you.

I realise it's frustrating.