Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Wanted: bandpass filter design


Reg Edwards

I need a simple design for a BPF with a centre frequency of 17.2Mhz.,


Hello Paul,

I'm not in the habit of fishing for compliments but, out of curiosity, did
you find my program BANDPAS1 of more use to you than the many other
responses to your query.

By the way, the Pi-network filter can be matched to ANY pair of terminating
impedances by tapping down the coils at each end. Been there - done that.
It also allows the most convenient component values to be used.
Regards from Reg, G4FGQ
For Free Radio Design Software go to

Reg Edwards

Error. My previous message was intended to be by private e-mail.

Paul Burridge

Yes. I had to check my disorganized drive to make sure I'd been to
all those links. BTDT. I like having tools like that around to
compare what they say with what I figgered out on paper.

Indeed. Legendary Reg's programs are always well worth a look at, of
course. I did try out his filter design one last night, just out of
curiosity. Looks pretty neat. I'll run some sims through it later to
see what sort of results it gives. Might post the results later if
time permits...

Paul Burridge


Hello Paul,

I'm not in the habit of fishing for compliments but, out of curiosity, did
you find my program BANDPAS1 of more use to you than the many other
responses to your query.

Thanks, Reg. See my reply to Mike (Active8) elsewhere on this thread.
I'm one of your biggest admirers and you've always been something of a
folk hero to me. :)
By the way, the Pi-network filter can be matched to ANY pair of terminating
impedances by tapping down the coils at each end. Been there - done that.
It also allows the most convenient component values to be used.


Paul Burridge

Since your too lazy to do this, here, have a few designs. You can run
these on LTSpice. What is reasonably good shape factor?

Thanks Mark (and everyone else who responded) I will certainly check
this lot out later today.
I've got more than enough designs and pointers to design programs now,
so no more *please*!!! A chap *can* have too much help sometimes. :)

Jim Meyer

Paul Burridge said:
I've got more than enough designs and pointers to design programs now,
so no more *please*!!! A chap *can* have too much help sometimes. :)

Note to Paul but also to everyone else:

For every person who posts a question and/or response there are
probably a thousand people who read and benefit from the information
in a thread but never post anything. You may be full up Paul, there
may also be many more readers who need more information but won't or
can't ask.

Please, everyone, continue to contribute as long as you can.


Reg Edwards

For every person who posts a question and/or response there are
probably a thousand people who read and benefit from the information
in a thread but never post anything. You may be full up Paul, there
may also be many more readers who need more information but won't or
can't ask.

Please, everyone, continue to contribute as long as you can.

Unfortunately, only about 5 percent of the 'information' published on this
and other newsgroups is of any use. Much of the remainder is misleading.
And the most serious of the problems is most folks' inability to distinguish
between wheat and chaff.

Many who are satisfied and immediately say thank you are too hasty, later
finding it won't work. Too much of the information falls into the category
of old wive's tales. If it sounds OK then it must be right!

The frequency of arguments between 'experts' gives the show away.

But most of you know this anyway. So why do I bother to say so?

Entertainment value is another matter. It stimulates the mind. Hence the
group's popularity.

Reg Edwards

The BBC: Licensed at public expense to spread lies.


And long may they be licensed at public expense.

But they sound more like the VOA than the VOA.