Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Voltage Amplifier Stage (VAS) design


Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
Ha, there are quite a few EP VIP members (including some in administration) that are active supporters of various growers world wide. We should all be very proud to be activists! I know I am!:)

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Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
You're a health nut! Actually this gives me inspiration. You know all those public service slots like "Running To Beat Heart Disease", etc? Well "Cycling To Save Hops, Barley, Grapes, etc" is an admirable cause. After all, what would the "Last Supper" have been without them? :D

"Cycling To Save Hops, Barley, Grapes, etc"
Love it...
I pay dearly into into a secret charity to keep Hops, Barley and Grapes safe..
I am just not sure whether the corner shop passes it on!!
Maybe a standing order would be better. The caveat is 'would my crates turn up cold'?

Quite often it is better to spend 30 minutes and BUILD the circuit.
You have already spent 35 minutes writing all the comments above.
After 60 minutes you will have made the circuit, tested it, created the PCB, sent it off to the PCB makers and written out a confidentially agreement with an amplifier company to introduce the circuit into their production and made $100,000.


Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
I hate to be a nabob of negativity but it's unlikely that anyone of us is going to invent something new.

Disclaimer: It took me 15 minutes to type that sentence, so its validity is definitely in question.

Chris you are making me Pie myself here..
Why are you a 'wealthy' man complaining about your wealth from the Orient?
I was reading that expecting the worse..
Took mee 15minitues to tipe that sintense, so its validididitity is definititly queshtonable.



Hauling 10' pipe on a Trek Shift3
OK guys, I think we're being very bad here and I think we're hijacking this topic. I'm heading out (rain or not) and peddling my butt off! Hopefully it will clear my head enough to input useful information but I'm not betting on it!

Pray for me. I'm not all there and I'm going out into traffic (at dusk)... on a bike! :eek:


Nothing got hijacked! This was the 'you guys' design something channel OR get pie eyed..
Take it easy out there, and turn all lights on.....
