Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Very basic Q! Potential divider or Wheatstone for load cell

Hello/ I hope someone can help. My supervisor wants me to use a load cell - this one - to measure pressure in a cylinder - we don't know if this will work, just want to experiment. He said ask the lab technician, who says to just connect the power to the load cell via a potential divider circuit and measure the change in applied voltage with something like an Arduino. But, the recommended circuit diagram says use an op amp, AND my supervisor suggested a Wheatstone bridge instead.

What is the best way??
Also, the Tekscan sensor requires -5 v into it and the op amp has 0 and +5v supply. Anyone know why??
I forgot to say that i need to measure the force change over time, and it would be asier to data log this, hence arduino!. So the input to the arduino needs an op amp??