Do you own a DMM? Most have a Capacitance function.
I'm sorry, but I don't what a DMM is. When I Googled the term all I found was "domestic mail manual", and I don't think that's what you had in mind.
Do you own a DMM? Most have a Capacitance function.
I don't think that's applicable to what I'm doing, because what I'm doing is trying to make a simple variable capacitor that will work for both AM (MW) and FM (VHF) radio reception
If you can't fix it with Gaffa Tape and Tie wire, It's broken. You need a new one.
Also, This is more a question for the Radio guy, that have actually built working radios.
Wouldn't a de-coder of some kind be needed to pick up VHF? I was under the impression its mostly encrypted or side band? Ie not something your going to tune into with a crystal set. I see the op is in USA, is there unscrambled VHF or UHF there? I'd be surprised to find it in Australia now the VHF tv network is being shut down...
You wont make a variable capacitor for VHF in the style you were doing for AM broadcast
The VHF one will need very small plates very close together else it will have too much capacitance and wont work in the tuned circuit
and speaking of tuned circuits.....
The drawings you did are not tuned circuits .... the variable capacitor should be in parallel with the inductor NOT in series with it.
I really wish you would stop playing with those curcuits you are drawing and use a correct receiver circuit
You have been shown some and there are many more available on the net
if you want to build a radio then do it properly, you will have success and much more learning enjoyment
So, my current images that I posted of my schematics that I drew, those all have the inductor acting as a resistor and the capacitor has capacitative reactance just like DC resistance, so if anything, all those circuits would do is make the radio waves quieter, rather than louder
and I should not "just try things" if I don't understand why it needs to be that way.
Yep. Now your starting to get itAlthough there are a number of other problems too. I can see multiple issues with just about every part....
For example, the thickness of your wire is like using a very large fire hose in your bucket example.... I don't know exactly how its going to mess with the circuit, but it will. That is another reason rimstar uses thin wire. I could be wrong here, but if I wanted to get MHZ range (think about that for a moment. Millions of oscillations per second. Thats really really fast! oscillation's every few nano seconds!) Id be reaching for thin wire for lower inductance. A quick check of the induction of 2 different 3 inch nail's validates me. I got a higher reading from the thicker one.
Just try stuff. Its a great way to learn. I teach myself stuff that way daily. Just dont expect it to work every time. Like I just did with 2 nails and an induction meter. Worked, learned something. Or the time I tried to make a FET with a spark gap in a cup-cap. It didn't work out exactly how I wanted, I got an electrically adjustable spark gap, I also set a few cup-caps on fire... Failed, but I learned stuff from the failure, and gained a better understanding for next time. There are a few do's and Don'ts though.
Do have some inkling what you are doing. If you throw random parts together in a random fashion, it will either work or not work. Either way you will have no idea why and learn nothing. This is why scientist tend to play with only one variable at a time. As well as fully understanding a "Control" which in this case would be a simple crystal set.
Do ask for help if you get stuck, But Don't expect someone else to fix every part of a circuit for you. Which is sort of what you are doing here. Inventing your own parts is for after you got one working. If you never made one before, and need to use home made parts. Find someone thats done it before, with sucsess, and copy that first. You will learn stuff. Then you will have a much better idea why the parts you are inventing are not working.
Don't just assemble random parts, unless you have some idea what the results will be. No one will help you. I tried that once too. Got a similar response to you. Now I know a bit more, I can see why. Its like trying to teach someone to read, when they only know half the alphabet.
Do do some homework, we can help, but not teach you from scratch, there are tons of great resources online that can do that better anyway. Like rimstars channel, and many many other sites.
Do look at what others have done before you. You will learn stuff.
Don't get testy with people that are donating their time to help you. We don't have to help. We dont get paid, or any other benefit, other than a warm fuzzy feeling. If you don't listen we wont have time. Sometimes its hard to convey full meaning without facial expression or voice tone. Thats what the emotes are for. "You stink", is very different to "you stink" which is clearly a jest.
Do be able to measure stuff well. If your going to self teach, I recommend some decent meters. Or even better learn to make and calibrate your own. My first lesson in electronics, from my Uncle, was whats inside a multimeter and why its there, what it does... Analog is best for this. Its all you need. There are guides online for making a cap meter or induction meter. You can also get some half decent ones on ebay for really cheap.
Don't let frustration beat you. Its going to happen, regularly at first. Take a break, do other stuff. go for a walk. Come back to it later and something obvious will likely jump out at you. Failing that study working ones, with proven design and see whats different. As Davenn and a few others have suggested
Don't use foil for a fuse. Steve will ban youI've done it, half the people on the forum may have at some time, but we dont talk about it in public. Thats a great way to get sued. (*Disclaimer* I personally recommend inline fuses on all projects) 3 inch nails and bolts are not fuse's ether.
Do use proper circuit symbols when possible. Its horribly confusing if you dont. Also consider, you had me trawling through google images trying to work out what component that was... I'm still learning a lot of switching components....
I think your should be getting the point by now. I wont go on.
Go make the rimstar model. then when you have that working. You can do the maths to work out how much you need to change values for your parts. Then, if you still think it will work. and you can make parts that sensitive. give it a go, and people here will be much nicer to you. But we cant teach you to read write and spell well, until you learn your ABC'sso to speak. Really we'd rather just help you with a single thing at a time. You just turned up to a how to speak english room, and asked us to help decipher the Koran. Except your copy is a cheap knock off, and has the pages in the wrong order.... We are all going nowhere, fast.
Not really, but closer than you where before.That makes sense. If you connect a fire hose to a garden hose water spout, the water molecules will move much slower. So the thicker the wire gauge, the slower the oscillatory frequency.
Oh I think I get it! The control is the simple MW crystal set, and improvements on it are the variables.
Okay, so if my home made part has a different design from a home made part that some one else built, it would be good to have a way to measure the inductance or capacitance and then use some simple maths to calculate the resonant frequency.
I didn't say it would be easy to makeWell I read some instructions on how to build home made capacitance meter and its not as easy as I hoped, so I think I will use math to find out the inductance of the coils since the math to find out the inductance of the coils is not that hard, and then when my coils and capacitors allow me to tune to a station, when I know the station's frequency and I know the inductance of the coils I can solve for the value of the capacitor.
Rimstar is a great teacher, but so are a few hundred others on the net. Look around. google google google.Yeah, I learned more about how inductors, capacitors, resistors, and tank circuits work at the electron level on Rimstar's channel than I ever learned in my physics class.
You will have fun and learn the whole timeOkay, I'll go make the RimStar model, EXACTLY as he made it, to guarantee that it will work, and after I have it working, I can try different combinations of inductors and capacitors to see what works.