Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Vaporizing dust during chip manufacturing ?


Archimedes' Lever

And the place one buys one of these magical zero-particle clean rooms

You really are stupid, boy.

Wafers are made inside chambers. They get transported from processing
machine to processing machine inside sealed chambers. Those chambers
move around the clean rooms robotically, and the clean room is VERY
clean. The chambers are even cleaner, and you are about as fucking
retarded as it gets.


ISO 1 is
the best you can get. Gosh there are still a few particles per cubic

No, idiot, that is the max number of ACCEPTABLE particles that *CAN* be
there. That says nothing about how clean they actually are. Usually,
they test on a regimen and find ZERO particles, you STUPID ****!


I wonder why that is when the anonymous idiot of the internet
"Archimedes' Lever" tells us that everyone uses a magical zero
particle clean room!

You are an idiot.


And just how large is that regimen? How many cubic meters in the
room? And you insist that there are no particles of ANY size in all
that volume? Your imagination is sure light years beyond current
technology! Were you just born a moron or did you have to get an
education to become that way? Cheer up, though. Even as an idiot you
can still find a high paying job in journalism!

You're the idiot. That entire volume gets exchanged through the same
apparatus the particulate detection and testing goes through, and that
volume gets exchanged several thousand times a day, and they typically go
for VERY long periods without ANY particulate finding its way into the

Go away, little doggie. Come back when you have half a fucking clue.

Archimedes' Lever

Use English, you fucking gang boy retard.
Since you made both (or at least the HV supply for both) were
these two devices identical?

You missed the comma, dumbfuck. If they were the same, they were the
same. They were not the same. No two HV supplies are as they are all
application specific. I wouldn't expect a retarded **** like you to get
it though. You can't even write correctly.
Were even the HV supplies identical?

Is that even a proper sentence? AM I supposed to guess at your intended
meaning? Do you always ask the same stupid question over and over again?
That's pretty amazing that a single device is BOTH a die holder AND
air cleaner at the same time.

It is pretty amazing to watch a dopey little putz like you acting as if
you know what either are.
I said you wouldn't be smart enough to tell the difference between an
air filter and a die holder!

Both are electrostatic.

Tag, you are it, asswipe. You tell US what the difference is. While
you are at it tell us why a dust particle in such fields would have just
as much chance ending up on the die, regardless of what you did to stop

That means that stopping it BEFORE that point is required. There is no
need at the burn sites (chambers) or the deposition sites (more
chambers), no need to even look until after the fab. They manufacture
assuming that all such debris have already been managed.
Have we climbed up one step yet?

You are too goddamned retarded to know the difference.

Nice sig. It fits you quite accurately. I suggest that you stick with
it. It will sure stick with you.

Pieyed Piper

Oh that's right. I forgot. The debris isn't just "managed" the LHC is
there to convert ALL and I mean LIKE EACH AND EVERY PARTICLE
REGARDLESS OF SIZE into antimatter and radiant energy!

You're an idiot. The 'particles' at the LHC are NOT dust particles,
you fucking clueless retard.

Skybuck Flying

It's a neat idea... maybe it's possible to clean the remaining dust
particles that way... with an LHC.

There could be a circle representing the LHC.

There could be another circle representing airflow from containers passing
through the LHC beam...

Then the beam hopefully kills of any particles that are in the airflow...

The airflow is blown into a chaimber... which is repeatedly blown in circles
through the LHC...

Until all particles are dead/gone... something like that...

Then production starts...

Instead of 99.9% chip failures... maybe it would be 0.1% chip failures.

Thus it could give enormous yields which would hopefully bring down the cost
of chips somewhat...

And could also warrent the construction of such an LHC for chip production !
;) :)

Only problem is with "sealing" the beam from outside dirty air...

But I guess the LHC guys have that figured out...

And if not... then the beam will probably vaporize any dirty air that tries
to sneak in anyway...

So there only needs to be a tiny little peephole where the LHC's energy beam
can go through...

It could be so small that it would be very hard for dirty air to slip

The beam is probably very tiny... so maybe a very tiny airduct/circle has to
be made...

Which could mean it might take long to make the chaimbar dust particle

Then there is also the problem of getting the chips in and out of the
particle free chaimber...

This should happen in such a way that a minimum of new dirty air slips in...
and new wafers can be inputted without too much dirt slipping in...

Then somehow all air must be blown around as well... until dust particles
and such all vaporized ?!? ;) :)

Is it possible ?! Who knows ?!

Anybody have a better idea ?!? ;) :)

Skybuck =D

Skybuck Flying

Personally I was thinking about heat... not necessarily a beam.

Maybe the dust particles can be converted too energy by superheating them.

Somehow with an easier method...

For example a chamber which is heated from the outside...

Then hopefully instead it gets so hot that everything vaporizes into even
more heat/energy.

Then it should just be a matter of cooling the chamber down.

And the chamber would be particle free.

The problem is now with slipping in material/wafers to start chip production
and the rest of the machinery...

Maybe these machines could be made of super strong metal/material which
doesn't vaporize ?!?

The wafers themselfes would also not have to vaporize... but then ofcourse
nothing can be done with it except scratching stuff into it...

Maybe not so good idea.

Maybe wafers can be produced inside the chaimber...

Another idea is to zap particles with a laser... like zapping flies...

Maybe a tiny little laser could be made which could burn stuff...

Another idea:

Place the wafer in a chaimber...

Blown strong air over it to blown away must of the dust.

Place it in another chaimber... while blowing airover it in the opposite

Now it's in a more cleaner chaimber...

Maybe keeping doing it over and over...

Before going to the next chaimber... the chaimber is superheated killing
most of the particles.

The weafer could then go back and forth back and forth between two

One cool chaimber and one hot chaimber and vice versa...

The chaimbers are connected to each other...

But swapping/flipflopping like this the number of particles can go down and
down and down and down until most if not all are dead/vaporized ;) :)



Moving back and forth...

^ Chaimber superheated.



You're an idiot. The 'particles' at the LHC are NOT dust particles,
you fucking clueless retard.

Lessee. "fucking clueless retard"? I'm sorry but my freshman physics
book doesn't seem to have that science term in it. Perhaps it's a term
only used in advanced particle physics where I wouldn't be familiar
with it...

Letzi... he did preceed his later qualification with "You're an idiot".
Freshman physics Chapter 1 has several references to "idiot" in the
margins with footnotes included that refer to the bibliography, notably
footnote 3.
"We shall not here discuss the inexactitude which lurks in the concept of
simultaneity of two events at approximately the same place, which can only
be removed by an abstraction, nor the inexactitude which lurks in the
concept of "fucking clueless retard" and "idiot" which can only be removed
by an abstraction.

About this Edition
This edition of Einstein's On the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies is based
on the English translation of his original 1905 German-language paper
(published as Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter Körper, in Annalen der Physik.
17:891, 1905) which appeared in the book The Principle of Relativity,
published in 1923 by Methuen and Company, Ltd. of London. Most of the papers
in that collection are English translations by W. Perrett and G.B. Jeffery
from the German Das Relativatsprinzip, 4th ed., published by in 1922 by
Tuebner. All of these sources are now in the public domain; this document,
derived from them, remains in the public domain and may be reproduced in any
manner or medium without permission, restriction, attribution, or

Numbered footnotes are as they appeared in the 1923 edition; editor's notes
are preceded by asterisks (*) and appear in sans serif type. The 1923
English translation modified the notation used in Einstein's 1905 paper to
conform to that in use by the 1920's; for example, c denotes the speed of
light, as opposed the V used by Einstein in 1905.

This electronic edition was prepared by John Walker in November 1999. You
can download a ready-to-print PostScript file of this document or the LaTeX
source code used to create it from this site; both are supplied as Zipped
archives. In addition, a PDF document is available which can be read on-line
or printed. This HTML document was initially converted from the LaTeX
edition with the LaTeX2HTML utility and the text and images subsequently
hand-edited to produce this text.

Skybuck Flying

I am not sure but this could be interesting:


I saw it on tv... It seemed to me like it extracted material from the gasses
and vaporized it somewhat ? But I am probably wrong...

None the less the super diamonds and such could be interesting for chips as
well and might be what is needed to provide materials which can survive the
heat as I imagined it. (Vaporizing the dust, keeping the wafers).


Pieyed Piper

I am not sure but this could be interesting:


I saw it on tv... It seemed to me like it extracted material from the gasses
and vaporized it somewhat ? But I am probably wrong...

None the less the super diamonds and such could be interesting for chips as
well and might be what is needed to provide materials which can survive the
heat as I imagined it. (Vaporizing the dust, keeping the wafers).

Whatever you say, SkyTard Dying.


Lessee. "fucking clueless retard"? I'm sorry but my freshman physics
book doesn't seem to have that science term in it. Perhaps it's a term
only used in advanced particle physics where I wouldn't be familiar
with it...

I hope that everyone reading this thread has noticed that you are as
big a waste of time and skin as Mr. Lever.

They are one and the same.