Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Type of wires


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
RS-232 is very tolerant. You can use almost anything.

With longer runs (higher resistance and capacitance) you tend to just lower the speed.
Make a coil and measure its resonant frequency with a known capacitor and a grid dip meter.
Use the cable instead of the capacitor to calculate the capacitance. The cable length must be considerably shorter than the wavelength of the frequency in use.
From two websites:

The specification recommends 24AWG twisted pair cable with a shunt capacitance of 16 pF per foot and 100 ohm characteristic impedance.

The standard also states that the maximum cable length is 50 feet, OR the cable length equal to a capacitance of 2500 pF. The latter rule is often forgotten. This means that using a cable with low capacitance allows you to span longer distances without going beyond the limitations of the standard. If for example UTP CAT-5 cable is used with a typical capacitance of 17 pF/ft, the maximum allowed cable length is 147 feet.

The cable length mentioned in the standard allows maximum communication speed to occur. If speed is reduced by a factor 2 or 4, the maximum length increases dramatically. Texas Instruments did some practical experiments years ago at different baud rates to test the maximum allowed cable lengths. Keep in mind, that the RS232 standard was originally developed for 20 kbps. By halving the maximum communication speed, the allowed cable length increases a factor ten.

The specification recommends 24AWG twisted pair cable with a shunt capacitance of 16 pF per foot and 100 ohm characteristic impedance.

That mean for 10 feet 16*10=160pf??


¡sǝpodᴉʇuɐ ǝɥʇ ɹɐǝɥd
understand question to ask how phrase sense make a order words sorry I'm can't.
Look up 'coaxial cable' on Wikipedia, it gives a lot of information there and details of the various types of coax.
By circular cross wires, do you mean braiding?