Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Turning Arduino Prototype into final product


I am working with arduino pro mini and bluetooth (HC-05) to turn led on/off using mobile phone. I am done with the first protoype. I want to reduce the size of whole circuit.
Any advice on using other MCU. I have seen PIC controllers can anyone provide some reference to use them with this circuit??

Any help would be really appreciated.


You should not try to use PICs or any other microcontrollers here as Arduino is an AVR microcontroller and you don't want to rewrite the whole code for PIC or anything else. You will need to design a PCB, and include the footprints for parts and modules on the PCB.
You don't need to use a different microcontroller necessarily, you just need to eliminate the need for the entire development board. Integrate everything (The minimum number of "raw" components) into your own PCB or small protoboard. There are many tricks to shrink things from there. Using double-sided boards, for example, or stacking IC's or components. That sort of thing.
Assuming you don't want to change architecture (to a Nordic NRF51 or NRF52), your best bet is to take the "Arduino", which is simply just a bootloader essentially, the IDE can spit out a .HEX file which you can program in directly with ISP, chip, or the ATMEGA 328p in the case of the UNO, and stick it on a board with a crystal, some capacitors for the crystal, regulated power supply with some decoupling caps, and I can't remember if you have to tie a reset pin high like you do on PICs. You can, in the case of DIP packages (through hole) program the chip on the UNO and just unclip it from the header and onto a solder-able board, the bootloader will still be programmed in with this method though (if that bothers you).