Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Turn your Rigol DS1052E Oscilloscope into a 100MHz DS1102E


Phil Allison

"David L. Jones"
I find that funny considering it was you who started the ranting and also
continued it ad nauseam.
So why don't you just stop ranting and actually discuss that technical
aspect if it interests you?
Or is this just your way of trying to weasel out of the rather silly hole
you found yourself in? :->

** Weasel Larkin is intent on digging that hole all the way the Sha Hee
Town, Beijing .

His ugly face will pop up through Rigol's floor at any minute.

...... Phil

George Jefferson

Phil Allison said:
"David L. Jones"

** Weasel Larkin is intent on digging that hole all the way the Sha Hee
Town, Beijing .

His ugly face will pop up through Rigol's floor at any minute.

lol... I'm sure he'll fit right in!


"John Larkin = Criminal LIAR "

** This is all you need to know.

Larkin has often bragged how there is no need to be truthful on usenet.

Course, the fact is he is not truthful anywhere.

.... Phil

Is there anybody in the entire world that doesn't rub the burr under
your saddle the wrong way?

Nico Coesel

John Larkin said:
But it's a 1 GHz sample rate. If it's analog limited to 100 MHz, they
can do most anything with it. Decimating won't create aliases, will

That depends on the steepness of the input filtering. It will need to
roll-off more than 48dB not to have any aliasing products at fs/2. I
doubt they decimate. 2GB/s is a lot to handle by the low cost FPGA
they use (Altera Cyclone IIRC). I strongly doubt digital realtime
filtering is feasible.
I think it's more like Rigol sells houses, and you bought a two-bedroom house
(although you're aware they also sell three-bedroom houses)... and one day you
notice (or Dave Jones metnions that) there's another door in your home.
There's no lock on that door, no sign on it saying, "keep out!," etc. Your
ne'er-do-well liberal democrat son moves back home after flunking out of his
liberal studies program at the local college and you get to thinking... having
that kid spend his nights in his own room rather than sleeping on the couch in
the living room every night would be nice... I wonder what's behind that door?


Nah, nail the door shut and throw the lazy bum out. He won't be a liberal
Democrat long.

George Jefferson

John Larkin said:
Not entirely the same. It costs money to build rooms, but it costs
nothing to enable IP. Both have market value.

And you believe that ripping people off is IP and has market value. That is
the difference between you and me.

George Jefferson

John Larkin said:
Not so. I pointed out a possible legal issue, and brought the
interesting but unresolved issue of how one amortizes and prices
things, like firmware, that have no incremental cost to manufacture.
Most perple here seem to feel that it's a ripoff to charge for such
things, and a minority feel, as I do, that Rigol did nothing wrong and
provides very good price:performance for both models. Rigol is like
someone who used to leave their front door unlocked, until someone
wandered in and stole something, so now they have to lock it.

They did nothing wrong. They had identical products(or all intents and
purposes) but slapped two different labels on them and charged different
prices for generating revenue.

DIFFERENCE BETWEEN US? You think that's ethical.

I bet you have no problem with any of those methods to rip off the customer.

Either you are terribly naive or just as bad as rigor. See that your going
far out of your way to find justifications doesn't say much about your
They did nothing wrong. They had identical products(or all intents and
purposes) but slapped two different labels on them and charged different
prices for generating revenue.

DIFFERENCE BETWEEN US? You think that's ethical.

Nothing "false" about giving people more than they paid for, even if you don't
tell them.
I bet you have no problem with any of those methods to rip off the customer.

I bet you're always this dense.
Either you are terribly naive or just as bad as rigor. See that your going
far out of your way to find justifications doesn't say much about your

You telegraph yours in color.

Phil Allison

"John Larkin = Criminal LIAR "

** This is all you need to know.

..... Phil

Phil Allison

"John Larkin = Criminal LIAR "

** This is all you need to know.

Larkin has often bragged how there is no need to be truthful on usenet.

Course, the fact is he is not truthful anywhere.

..... Phil

George Jefferson

John Larkin said:
Who got ripped off buying a Rigol 50 MHz scope? Or buying the 100 Mhz
version? Are you saying that either didn't meet advertised specs, or
that neither was a good value?

If you don't like Rigol scopes, buy Tek or Agilent or LeCroy.

Of course, the low-end Agilent is actually a Rigol. They rebrand it
and sell it for about twice the price of the Rigol. How do you like
that for rip-off-ness?

What kind of scope did you last buy? I got a Rigol 1052, and I'll
probably buy a few more.


None of this is relevant. We are discussing the ethics involved. There is a
reason you don't get it.

Phil Allison

"John Larkin = Criminal LIAR "

** This is all you need to know about the vile scumbag.

Larkin has often bragged how there is no need to be truthful on usenet.

Course, the fact is he is not truthful anywhere.

Cos he is a psychopath.

..... Phil

George Jefferson

Nothing "false" about giving people more than they paid for, even if you
tell them.

LOL! Good one!

Your a liberal right? Only a liberal could come up with something like that!

Your not dense but an outright imbecile. In no way intelligent way can one
justify that what Rigol did was give more product for what they paid for.
What your claiming is that Rigol gave people a 50Mhz scope that was actually
a 100Mhz but didn't tell them.

It would be like if you went to buy a used car but they gave you a Ferrari
except it doesn't look like a Ferrari, doesn't perform like a Ferrari,
doesn't get the chicks and is nothing like a Ferrari except that both are
classified as vehicles. Yet in your world you believe that person got more
than they paid for.

Either you are the car salesman, from WeFuckYouInEveryWholeOnEverySale
Autos, or your the buyer that buys from them.

atec7 7

Phil Allison wrote:
Philthy Allison
homosexual deviate and low intelligence low brow fool


Supply - demand + goverment intervention.
Nothing more, nothing less.

Dreamer. You should use less wild and crazy drugs though, too much
wild hallucination.

Show me a true Adam Smith style market. There hasn't been one in the
USA for over a century and a half.


If you don't like Rigol scopes, buy Tek or Agilent or LeCroy.

Of course, the low-end Agilent is actually a Rigol. They rebrand it
and sell it for about twice the price of the Rigol. How do you like
that for rip-off-ness?

Wow, you just deprived Agilent of their hard earned cash, since a lot of
people will buy Rigol instead.
You should have kept this information to yourself.


Supply - demand + goverment intervention.
Nothing more, nothing less.

= Dreamer. You should use less wild and crazy drugs though, too much
= wild hallucination.

Haven't you noticed "government intervention part" mentioned above?

Point being "cost" does not make any difference. After the product is
manufactured "cost" is a lost money anyway. All you can do is to attempt to
sell for as much compensation as you can.

"Cost" affects the decision to manufacture or not to manufacture the
particular products.

= Show me a true Adam Smith style market. There hasn't been one in the
= USA for over a century and a half.

There has not been one ever, AFAIK. However it does not matter.
LOL! Good one!

Your a liberal right? Only a liberal could come up with something like that!

No, I wouldn't own a liberal if they were free. You're stupid, right?
Your not dense but an outright imbecile. In no way intelligent way can one
justify that what Rigol did was give more product for what they paid for.
What your claiming is that Rigol gave people a 50Mhz scope that was actually
a 100Mhz but didn't tell them.

They didn't "give" their customers anything. They *sold* them a 50MHz scope
advertised as a 50MHz scope. It may (or not) perform better than advertised,
but that's not fraud by any stretch of a sane person's mind. You're stupid,
It would be like if you went to buy a used car but they gave you a Ferrari
except it doesn't look like a Ferrari, doesn't perform like a Ferrari,
doesn't get the chicks and is nothing like a Ferrari except that both are
classified as vehicles. Yet in your world you believe that person got more
than they paid for.

I didn't pay for a Ferrari, I wouldn't expect a Ferrari. You're proving my
point, here. You're stupid, right?
Either you are the car salesman, from WeFuckYouInEveryWholeOnEverySale
Autos, or your the buyer that buys from them.

You're stupid, right?


The question is not whether the internet should be censored or not, but
whether censorship per se is acceptable. If you accept censorship of
books, movies, TV programs, video games, etc, then Conroy is correct
"What makes the internet special".

Personally, I am against any censorship, but, if you accept it in some
cases, it is hard to argue that it shouldn't be applied to all case.