Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Turn your Rigol DS1052E Oscilloscope into a 100MHz DS1102E



I note you used "can" not "does" in that sentence. The Internet filter
is a simple list of banned web sites that delays your download by a
few microseconds. In contrast, submitting a film or book to the
censors delays its release by days or even weeks.

I don't believe you. Would you really allow the screening of sadism or
bestiality in the 3:30pm to 6:00pm time slot on free to air TV?

Not speaking for anyone else, but, yes, i would. It would never happen
anyway. There is not enough market for it.

David L. Jones

John said:
The only new analog scopes I know of are minor brands,
B&K/Instek/Kenwood sort of stuff. All the name-brand scopes are
digital now. LeCroy used to sell the 470 MHz Iwatsu scope, but I think
they gave that up. The Iwatsu SS-7840H is around $10K. And not even
color. It looks to me like digital scopes are less expensive at pretty
much every performance point.

Yup, economy of scale and other factors.

Iwatsu still do a 1GHz analog storage scope at $28K:

The 400MHz analog is $7500:
and the 470MHz at $12K+:

Hameg do a 200MHz analog at $2500:
The Instek 200MHz one is $1800


Nico Coesel

John Larkin said:
But I wonder what various digital scopes do at slower sweep speeds.
Clock the ADC slower? Throw away samples? Interpolate? Filter?

The only way to find out is to input a signal that causes aliasing.
With high samplerates, short memories and limited hardware the only
way is to simply discard samples.
That's quasi-digital, with a CRT-based scan converter tube.

My friend Bernard still makes this:

I had a couple pairs of the Tektronix version of this I bought in the late
'70s and early '80s. They had two 7000 series plug-in bays and went for ~$20K
each (don't remember if that included the 7B92 and 7A19, or not).
which uses the older kind of scan converter, two electron
gun/deflection systems facing one another in one tube with some sort
of charge storage film between them. This is the one Tek used to
market. Goodness knows where he gets the tubes... probably old stock.

If it's the Tek tube, it's a 512x512 diode array inbetween the two guns.
I don't miss tubes, or meter needles, or analog scopes at all.

Nope, though I do still like analog scopes, at times. Don't have one, but
that's a different matter.

David L. Jones

John said:
That's quasi-digital, with a CRT-based scan converter tube.

My friend Bernard still makes this:

which uses the older kind of scan converter, two electron
gun/deflection systems facing one another in one tube with some sort
of charge storage film between them. This is the one Tek used to
market. Goodness knows where he gets the tubes... probably old stock.

I don't miss tubes, or meter needles, or analog scopes at all.

Me neither.
Although the low end digitals like the Rigols are no match for an analog
scope for some jobs. So unless you've got a high end digital, it's still
useful to have that analog scope around.



That's quasi-digital, with a CRT-based scan converter tube.

John, it writes to a miniature phosphor screen at up to 10 divisions/ns.
That is analog. Then phosphor trace is amplified in intensity, and image
size is scaled up with a fiber optic lens and a camera like sensor. Thenit
is digitized, rasterized and colorized. They have to make these tubes
themselves, and i bet there are new patents involved. In terms of
repeatable triggering and single shot capture it goes toe to toe with
any previous technology, notably including your 7104 and DVST scopes.
My friend Bernard still makes this:

which uses the older kind of scan converter, two electron
gun/deflection systems facing one another in one tube with some sort
of charge storage film between them. This is the one Tek used to
market. Goodness knows where he gets the tubes... probably old stock.

The old Tek scopes were DVSTs. Two guns, one write gun and one projector
gun both on the same side of the storage grating. The scan converters are
a different technology.


They are a lot cheaper second hand because no-one wants an analog
scope anymore. $500 should be enough.

There is still a few us who want one. I am still on the lookout for
a Tek 2465 or very similar. There are cases where even my TDS 544A
won't get me the same results.

Ross Vumbaca


Me neither.
Although the low end digitals like the Rigols are no match for an analog
scope for some jobs. So unless you've got a high end digital, it's still
useful to have that analog scope around.

When might an analogue scope be better than a low end digital?



Phil Allison

"Ross Vumbaca"
When might an analogue scope be better than a low end digital?

** There is no point in responding to this sort of crass stupidity.

Anyone dumb enough to ask simply cannot comprehend any answer that can be

.... Phil


John Larkin said:
I can't think of much. Maybe clean X-Y plots; the digitals are sloppy
in X-Y mode.

Didn't Dave say in his blog something about gaussian responses?

David Segall

fritz said:
The filter excludes all 'unclassified' sites - determined by a bunch of
faceless and unaccountable

Nonsense. The filter only excludes sites that the faceless and
unaccountable people deem unacceptable. There is no requirement to
submit a site for classification. Unlike films, every site is rated G
until the censors find it and feel it necessary to block it.
A totally stupid analogy, grow up.

Check out the meaning of analogy. My response was certainly not one.
The poster said he was against _any_ censorship. I provided an example
of censorship that you seem to favour and I thought the poster would

David Segall

JosephKK said:
Not speaking for anyone else, but, yes, i would. It would never happen
anyway. There is not enough market for it.

Why did you feel the need to include two out of your three sentences
to reassure me that the programs _would_ be censored?

Nico Coesel

JosephKK said:
There is still a few us who want one. I am still on the lookout for=20
a Tek 2465 or very similar. There are cases where even my TDS 544A=20
won't get me the same results.

The Iwatsu SS-7847A is a very good oscilloscope and less old than the


David Segall said:
Nonsense. The filter only excludes sites that the faceless and
unaccountable people deem unacceptable. There is no requirement to
submit a site for classification. Unlike films, every site is rated G
until the censors find it and feel it necessary to block it.

Are you sure about that ?
I have heard that the 'moral majority Xtians' think the filter works exactly
the opposite.
Banned until approved. I hope you are right, but any filter is a step
a dictatorship where the state controls the media. RESIST IT !
Check out the meaning of analogy. My response was certainly not one.

By my dictionary....The Macquarie...
An agreement, likeness or correspondence between the relations of things
to one another, a partial similarity in particular circumstances...
Sounds familiar ?
The poster said he was against _any_ censorship. I provided an example
of censorship that you seem to favour and I thought the poster would

I am totally opposed to censorship. If YOU want to restrict the peoples'
access to information please explain why your policies are any different
to those of North Korea or China.
Awaiting your reply....

It is clearly puerile on your part to suggest that adult programs need to be
from 3:30 till 6, actually it shows you are completely ignorant about the
way the
real world (free-to-air-TV) functions without any need for more censorship.


I am totally opposed to censorship.
Censorship is a concept that is measured in degrees, not black and
white. To summarize your position by stating that you are completely
against it , demonstrates that you have not really given much thought
to the topic.

You are both ignorant AND stupid.
Censorship IS black and white, my ignorant AND stupid friend.
I have given far more thought to the topic than you have, for many
years, you seem to be wet behind the ears, a young fool who has no
experience of what censorship really means.
You cannot allow ANY government to control the access to information.
To do so is to give up your rights, Australia may be going down the same
path that will result in Sharia Law if your ideas prevail.
The thin edge of the wedge.
You are both ignorant AND stupid.

Speaking of which, have you looked in a mirror lately, Mr. Pot?
Censorship IS black and white, my ignorant AND stupid friend.
I have given far more thought to the topic than you have, for many
years, you seem to be wet behind the ears, a young fool who has no
experience of what censorship really means.

Ignorance personified.
You cannot allow ANY government to control the access to information.
To do so is to give up your rights, Australia may be going down the same
path that will result in Sharia Law if your ideas prevail.
The thin edge of the wedge.

Really? You think everyone's personal information should be freely available?
I can't think of much. Maybe clean X-Y plots; the digitals are sloppy
in X-Y mode.

Aren't you the one who showed a scope aliasing a signal such that it reversed
time, a couple of years back?