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Maker Pro

Transformer help with 3-phase


Keith Marshall

I received the new transformer and installed it yesterday and it worked
great with no smoke so the first transformer was faulty. Of course I
checked quite a few things before powering the new one up and left the
output completely disconnected for the initial power-on but it turned out to
be unnecessary.

Thanks for all the input and help!!

"Keith Marshall" wrote in message
I need help and this seems the best place to ask for it. If not I'd greatly
appreciate it if someone would point me in the right direction.

I'm repairing a metal-cutting cold saw that is powered by 3-phase with each
leg being 120 volts. It has a transformer that has gone bad and the input
to the transformer is labeled as 240v but it's actually 2 phases giving
208v. The output is labeled as 24v and is dead so I went looking for a
suitable replacement.

I found a transformer from for $12.95 that can handle 4amps which
is way overkill because the only thing this transformer powers is a 3 pole
contactor to switch on power to the motor when you pull the trigger. It's a
bit oversized but the price was right and there's plenty of extra room for
it. So it arrived today, I wired it in and powered the saw up and it worked
great... until I started smelling smoke!! :-(

The output isn't even connected to anything unless you're pulling the
trigger but the smoke kept getting worse even without the saw running so I'm
trying to figure out if they sent me a bad transformer or if I've screwed up
when it comes to 3-phase vs split phase and that's where I need the help.

The transformer actually has 2 input windings and if you wire them in
parallel you can connect it to 120v or you can connect them in series for
240v but will that actually work for 2 phases of 3 phase? I mean I'm
getting 24v at the output so it SEEMS ok but it's kind of hard to ignore the
smoke which I expect will not stop until the transformer windings short
together and melt into an ugly mass. :-(

There's also a center tap on the output which I'm not using but I can't
imagine that being a concern.

Is there a problem wiring a transformer this way because of the 2 phases
being 120 deg. out instead of 180 deg?

I've just never worked on anything where this might matter before so I'd
appreciate any help!! Is it a bad transformer or will I have to find one
with a single winding on the input? Or is there some other detail I'm
missing entirely????

Here's a link to the transformer which has schematic on the page if it

David Lesher

I can't follow the mishmash here, but clearing the air isn't hard.

a) 240V is 240V. This is a single-phase transformer. If you
correctly strap it for 240 in, that's what matters.

If you have 208wye 3phase, you'll get 208. BFD for this case.
You'll get ~21V out, not 24.

b) If it's smoking, I'll bet you screwed up. I don't know how.

But pull it out, put it on the bench, and CAREFULLY feed it 240 with
the secondaries floating. The best way to do is is to put a 20W or so
120v lamp [The kind Edison made; NOT a CF/LED or whatever....] in
each leg of the power.

If you draw too much current, the lamps illuminate.

For CAREFULLY, I recommend a safety man ready to kill power
while you measure the secondary voltage with ONE hand.