Maker Pro
Maker Pro

traffic light australian with 2 555 timers

That change will assure that the U2 period is not longer than the U1 period no matter how the pots are adjusted. But that does not fit the description in post #1. Have you verified that the two 555s oscillate correctly when they are *not* interconnected? Without that, no changes will work.

Hello all,
Hope someone can help me. I can only get the green led to turn, off and on, the red and yellow stay on constantly. I tried many times to no avail. Does anyone have a link to where I can see the actual wire hook ups? I am a newbie going nuts.


Have a look here......

When you get a chance, look up some tutorials on Arduino.

Jeremy Blum has an intro series on youtube that are easy to follow.

Also Ralph Bacon and Julian Islett.
Many others.