Maker Pro
Maker Pro

thumbwheel potmeter for left-right usage


Paul Hovnanian P.E.

Here's one more option: if this is a linear pot, install a right/left
DPDT selector switch to swap the polarity of the potentiometer's stator.
If the DPDT switch is a slide switch, it can be operated by a shield
which blocks access to one side or the other of the single thumbwheel.
By pressing on the RHS of the device to expose the right side of the
wheel, the operator also slides the switch to the left, toggling the
polarity to the pot.


Paul said:
Here's one more option: if this is a linear pot, install a right/left
DPDT selector switch to swap the polarity of the potentiometer's stator.
If the DPDT switch is a slide switch, it can be operated by a shield
which blocks access to one side or the other of the single thumbwheel.
By pressing on the RHS of the device to expose the right side of the
wheel, the operator also slides the switch to the left, toggling the
polarity to the pot.

We talked about that. The main issue with cheaper DPDT slide switches is
poor reliability. The other problem in this case would be that the user
has it in hand, pot works the wrong way and only after finding that out
does the "Oh drat, I forgot" light come on in the user's mind ;-)


jasen said:
jasen wrote:

Picture a small AM/FM radio with a thumb wheel volume control on the
left side of it.

[FX: sound of light going on]
[FX: slaps head]

Please don't slap my head right now. Got to bed at 3:00am last night ...

the inteded meaning was me slapping my head.
Nice! I didn't know mech CAD could be done in ASCII art.

But still I'd prefer a 2nd potmeter for the left wheel just for the
fact that it's cheaper and comes with all the mounting options.

if you can get them located with the precision you need...
I guess that means need some sort of jig for soldering.


Michael A. Terrell

jasen said:
jasen said:
jasen wrote:

Picture a small AM/FM radio with a thumb wheel volume control on the
left side of it.

[FX: sound of light going on]
[FX: slaps head]

Please don't slap my head right now. Got to bed at 3:00am last night ...

the inteded meaning was me slapping my head.
Nice! I didn't know mech CAD could be done in ASCII art.

But still I'd prefer a 2nd potmeter for the left wheel just for the
fact that it's cheaper and comes with all the mounting options.

if you can get them located with the precision you need...
I guess that means need some sort of jig for soldering.


Why? If the pot has the snap in type mount that holds it tightly
against the PC board, simply put the knobs on the pots, pop them into
the board and solder them.

Service to my country? Been there, Done that, and I've got my DD214 to
prove it.
Member of DAV #85.

Michael A. Terrell
Central Florida