Maker Pro
Maker Pro

The doubts about my electronic board


I have a elecronic board. The upper monitor is mini2440 and the slave computer is C51.They communicates by serials, and here two MAX232s between signal road.The way of communication is questions and answers. Now I would like to use PC to instead of mini2440.

Passing the Monitoring communication protocol,the baud rate is regarded as 19200.It’s similar with the data of host computer.There is a professional instruction to review if the communication is normal. I used computer to imitate the slave computer and then answer the instruction. After the host computer receive the instruction,the screen shows that communication is successful.However,the it shows fail when I modified the instruction.

Now,my trouble is:

I use computer to imitate the upper monitor and send an instruction to slave computer,however,there is no answer here.

How to solve this problem? Please help me out !