Run the terminal voltage across a voltage divider, and compare to the voltage drop across a zener diodeI want to charge 1.2 Volt NiMh rechargeable batteries from some PV panels.
Could someone suggest how I could sense terminal voltage across the battery and use it to create an overcharge preventative system.
Current would only be zero if your supply was a constant voltage source. This would not apply to a constant current source.Nothing to add re: sensing V, but I read in a unrelated article, when batteries approach full charge, current decreases to nearly 0. Maybe it would be easier to sense when there is no current flow (or a predetermined lower level of current flow) as an endpoint to the charge cycle.
That only applies when the battery is being charged from a fixed or limited voltage. This method is often used with lead-acid batteries and is called constant-current/constant-voltage charging. The charger limits both its output voltage and its output current.Nothing to add re: sensing V, but I read in a unrelated article, when batteries approach full charge, current decreases to nearly 0. Maybe it would be easier to sense when there is no current flow (or a predetermined lower level of current flow) as an endpoint to the charge cycle.