Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Tattoo Clip Cord

Hello all. Let me introduce myself, I am 24, a tattooist and looking to make tattoo equipment.
My first project is clip cords. This involves a 1/4 inch jack connecting which I have no problems with however the other end is a different story. It involves riveting a positive and negative connection. My issue is, that they are both riveted to a piece of metal coated in plastic but I am sure the rivet will connect with the metal and short circuit. Is there any way of insulating the rivets? I tried heat shrink but it didn't really take.
Any advise much appreciated
There are plastic rivets, of course. Can you show a picture, so we have a better idea?

You can also use a nylon "hat" washer that is very slightly shorter than the thickness of the two parts and a plain nylon washer under the manufactured head, etc. The plain washer can be omitted in most instances.
