Hi All,
I also have a Tacx Vortex T2180 Turbo trainer, and like everyone else on this forum it stopped work without warning. On inspection the R64 (27ohm) resistor had blown.
1st try I replaced:
- R64 27ohm
- T5 Mosfet
- R57 3.3 ohm
I then powered it up and it blew R64 again!
Looking closer at the board I found that R32 had gone open circuit. So I replaced R32 (0.22 ohm R220) and all the above components again and now it works!!
I couldn't find a supplier of surface mounted 0.22 ohm R220 resistors in quantities less than 5000. So I bought a standard (through hole) resistor and soldered it onto the board. Not the most elegant of repairs, but it works.
Good luck fixing