Maker Pro
Maker Pro

strategies for high voltage on PCB, wire terminals


John Larkin

So, you're saying wages have dropped from 0.3H to 0.1H from when you
bought a house to now. If you could sell it now, you wouldn't have to
work for the next decade or so. ;-)

One of the things that have caused the huge increase in the cost of
big-city housing is the women's movement. Now there are lots if
twinkies (two incomes, no kids) bidding for houses. Nowadays a guy may
make 70K as an airline mechanic and his wife (or equivalent) makes 70K
as a nurse, and they are bidding against everybody else. Food and cars
and stuff are fairly cheap, interest rates are low, income tax is
high, so they can put almost half of their income into mortgage
payments. So they'll bid $750K for a house that would be worth a
fourth of that in Warren, Ohio or somewhere like that. Part of it is
speculation, of course, like the 1990's stock market.
