Maker Pro
Maker Pro

strategies for high voltage on PCB, wire terminals


Spehro Pefhany

Well, your "duck" is still only worth three Washingtons and a
Jefferson. Which is up from a low of two Washingtons, a Roosevelt, and
three Lincolns, three or so years ago but still down from an Indian
squaw, thirty years ago. The looney change your shopkeepers give is
still a losing proposition. ;-)

Not sure it's really "up"-- just looks stable compared to AUD, GBP,
EUR, NZD etc. Presumably those boring balanced budgets at work.

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany

Michael A. Terrell

Spehro said:
In USSR-era Eastern European duty-free shops they would give change
from hard currency notes in chocolate bars.

Was it good chocolate?

Frank Bemelman

Spehro Pefhany said:
Yes, excellent chocolate. ;-)

I bet. But can it compete with the change from hard currency notes
that are given in topless bars? ;-)

Rich Grise

50 mm would work at 100 volts, too.

Thou means thousand here. "Thou" is shorthand for $1000. We have so
much money we need words like that.

A 'mil' is a short way of saying 'milli-inch'. It's also how the
thickness of plastic film is spec'd. To a machinist, a thou is a
thousandth or an inch, AKA a mil. a "tenth" is 0.0001 = 1/10000.

$1000 is a "grand." ;-)


Rich Grise

I'll probably go with .100" (2.5 cm) spacing where it is easy to do. I
want a little overdesign in this, just to remove uncertainty.

I'll take a look at them. I'm still a leaning a little toward the
soldered connections, for simplicity in tough long life use.

Just don't use a soldering GUN! Use a 25-watt pencil, or maybe 40-watt
iron, if you're soldering AWG 14 or fatter. Connectors can be convenient
if you're planning on taking it apart a lot; otherwise, I'd go ahead and
solder them.


Pooh Bear

Rich said:
A 'mil' is a short way of saying 'milli-inch'. It's also how the
thickness of plastic film is spec'd. To a machinist, a thou is a
thousandth or an inch, AKA a mil. a "tenth" is 0.0001 = 1/10000.

$1000 is a "grand." ;-)


Well..... The idea of a milli *inch* seems so obscure to us metricated ppl who are
95% or so of the world population.

Yeah - ok I use inches too - but not *officially* - lol. All mech drgs here are
marked in m and mm.

I have actually seen discussions where US mils got ppl confused who thought they
meant mm.

This doesn't happen if you call it a thou. That's really my point.

Btw - I have no difficulty differentiating between a thousandth of an inch and a
thousand pounds ! Hmmm - that's about 1873 USD currently ! I never imagined the
pound would ever rise against the dollar to that degree. I can recall when it was
a ratio of 3 : 1 too.


Spehro Pefhany

A 'mil' is a short way of saying 'milli-inch'. It's also how the
thickness of plastic film is spec'd. To a machinist, a thou is a
thousandth or an inch, AKA a mil. a "tenth" is 0.0001 = 1/10000.

That's right- same region, different domains. I use "mil" when I'm
talking about PCBs and "thou" when I'm talking about metal.
$1000 is a "grand." ;-)


We use mils for money too. As in "they just bought a fixer-upper in
Rosedale for one-point-four mil".

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany

John Larkin

That's right- same region, different domains. I use "mil" when I'm
talking about PCBs and "thou" when I'm talking about metal.

We use mils for money too. As in "they just bought a fixer-upper in
Rosedale for one-point-four mil".

There's a nicely restored Victorian in my neighborhood, 3 small
bedrooms, on the standard 24-foot-wide lot. It has a two-car garage
courtesy of a hydraulic lift system that stacks the cars. Asking 1.7


John Larkin

Btw - I have no difficulty differentiating between a thousandth of an inch and a
thousand pounds ! Hmmm - that's about 1873 USD currently ! I never imagined the
pound would ever rise against the dollar to that degree. I can recall when it was
a ratio of 3 : 1 too.

The classic pre-WWII ratio was about 5:1


Spehro Pefhany

There's a nicely restored Victorian in my neighborhood, 3 small
bedrooms, on the standard 24-foot-wide lot. It has a two-car garage
courtesy of a hydraulic lift system that stacks the cars. Asking 1.7


If you consider the uH (micro-house) as a unit of value, it has some
interesting results. Most things are getting cheaper, including all
the major currencies.

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany

Winfield Hill

Spehro Pefhany wrote...
If you consider the uH (micro-house) as a unit of value, it has
some interesting results. Most things are getting cheaper,
including all the major currencies.

Not sure, the price of the medium cup of regular coffee I buy
many mornings has gone up from 2.5uH to 3.0uH in recent times.

Rob Gaddi

Winfield said:
Spehro Pefhany wrote...

Not sure, the price of the medium cup of regular coffee I buy
many mornings has gone up from 2.5uH to 3.0uH in recent times.

3 uH is a lot for a cup of coffee, no wonder you're getting oscillations
against the...wait, wrong thread.

-- Rob

Spehro Pefhany

3 uH is a lot for a cup of coffee, no wonder you're getting oscillations
against the...wait, wrong thread.

-- Rob

Mine has dropped marginally over 10-15 years from 2uH to 1.8uH.

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany

Rich Grise

If you consider the uH (micro-house) as a unit of value, it has some
interesting results. Most things are getting cheaper, including all
the major currencies.

The other day it occurred to me - when my Granddad built a house,
everybody built their own house - it cost mainly labor, maybe about
a month's wages worth. Around the time my folks were buying a house,
a house could be had for about a year's wages. When I bought a house,
they were going for about three years' wages. Nowadays, they're about
ten years' wages.

I wonder if that's merely exponential, or asymptotic, like taxes/


Keith Williams

The other day it occurred to me - when my Granddad built a house,
everybody built their own house - it cost mainly labor, maybe about
a month's wages worth. Around the time my folks were buying a house,
a house could be had for about a year's wages. When I bought a house,
they were going for about three years' wages. Nowadays, they're about
ten years' wages.

A month's wages? ...must have been a small house or your GF had a
quite nice job. My parent's house was more like a year's salary, and
he did much of the work himself. The house I live in now is likely
worth a bit more than two-years, with the land value half of the value.
I wonder if that's merely exponential, or asymptotic, like taxes/

Taxes (both direct and hidden) are a far higher portion of my salary
than they were for my parents. My property tax alone is over 5% of my
salary (and increasing at 6-10%/year).

John Larkin

The other day it occurred to me - when my Granddad built a house,
everybody built their own house - it cost mainly labor, maybe about
a month's wages worth. Around the time my folks were buying a house,
a house could be had for about a year's wages. When I bought a house,
they were going for about three years' wages. Nowadays, they're about
ten years' wages.

Depends on where you want to live (and how much money you make.)


Spehro Pefhany

The other day it occurred to me - when my Granddad built a house,
everybody built their own house - it cost mainly labor, maybe about
a month's wages worth. Around the time my folks were buying a house,
a house could be had for about a year's wages. When I bought a house,
they were going for about three years' wages. Nowadays, they're about
ten years' wages.

I wonder if that's merely exponential, or asymptotic, like taxes/


So, you're saying wages have dropped from 0.3H to 0.1H from when you
bought a house to now. If you could sell it now, you wouldn't have to
work for the next decade or so. ;-)

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany

Frank Bemelman

Spehro Pefhany said:
So, you're saying wages have dropped from 0.3H to 0.1H from when you
bought a house to now. If you could sell it now, you wouldn't have to
work for the next decade or so. ;-)

True, but you need a house to live in. If I sold my house, I could
live in my car (or a tent on the beach, brrr) and smoke cigars and
drink Jack Daniels for the rest of my life. Scary ;)