Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Strange high frequency push pull transformer action


Spehro Pefhany

That's a complementary pair... separate chips on hybrid substrate. I
used that very device to solve a touch screen power supply issue for
someone up near you where it BLIZZARDS ;-)

...Jim Thompson

A oui bit of snow might be nice for a change- it's getting a bit
dreary with the short days and November rain.

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany


Betcha he finds this:

| .--->
| |
(A) .-.-.-.-.-.-. (B)
| | |
+5v-' ||--' '--||
||<-. .->|| Q2
__||--+ Q1 +--||__
| |
=== ===

That would explain the first waveforms, anyhow.

Could be, you would get the same basic appearance in both drains but the
voltage magnitudes would be different.



Still poking around. You guys thoughts and responses are great and
confirming that I'm not crazy. :)

The transformer guy is saying it is some fancy RF stuff and I don't have
the background to say he's wrong but my gut says its something 1st order
that is the problem.

Somebody needs to tell him 10 MHz hasn't been fancy RF stuff for 75 years.



A oui bit of snow might be nice for a change- it's getting a bit
dreary with the short days and November rain.

Best regards,
Spehro Pefhany

Arrgh, 'tis an inter lingual pun.
