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Maker Pro

Stock control software?

  • Thread starter martin griffith
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John Woodgate

I read in that Rich Grise <[email protected]>
Jeezis! If you have somebody who can read HTML, you could import it
into NOTEPAD and clean it up!

In theory. Have a go at one of the pages at that has
nested tables. You might get just a little confused by the complexity.
I've never seen as crappy of "HTML" as the crap that comes out of
frontpage. Except, maybe, if you're trying to use Word.

I originally tried to run the site using Word, after it had been
originally written with a proper application. It wasn't a success.

Rich Grise

I read in that Rich Grise <[email protected]>

In theory. Have a go at one of the pages at that has
nested tables. You might get just a little confused by the complexity.

It depends. Was the indenting done by a human, or by one of those
"html writer" programs?

OK, I confess - HTML 4.01 Transitional has some tags that I haven't
learned yet, but I could look them up in seconds (like, '<tbody>' is
kinda self-documenting ;-) ). I guess the point is, what's so hard about
keeping track of nested stuff? I've been writing C since your kids
graduated high school, so I know to indent. :)

Other than that, it's pretty clean-looking HTML.
I originally tried to run the site using Word, after it had been
originally written with a proper application. It wasn't a success.

My hat is off to you sir. :)


Michael A. Terrell

John said:
In theory. Have a go at one of the pages at that has
nested tables. You might get just a little confused by the complexity.

I've created a number of web pages with nested tables, all done from
scratch, in Wordpad.

Michael A. Terrell

Winfield said:
Our own graphics and news guy, who started with handcoding
(same as I do, )
but who now uses Adobe GoLive, plus handcoding, IIRC. He's
a Massachusetts College of Art graduate.

How do you like the Adobe GoLive? I was given the CDROM and manual
the other day, but I haven't had the time to try it out. I am looking
at building a very large website, possibly a few thousand pages. It
will be a umbrella site for all the Veterans clubs, news, fund raising
efforts to help our homeless veterans and provide links to all of the
services available for veterans in the Marion County, Florida and
adjoining areas. I have always hand coded the HTML in Wordpad, but a
project this big may force me to do it another way.

John Woodgate

I read in that Michael A. Terrell
I have always hand coded the HTML in Wordpad,

Do you set up keyboard shortcuts or something for the most common code
sequences? I can't really imagine putting all those characters in place

We even used keyboard shortcuts to put formatting codes into Wordwise on
the BBC Micro.

Michael A. Terrell

John said:
Do you set up keyboard shortcuts or something for the most common code
sequences? I can't really imagine putting all those characters in place

We even used keyboard shortcuts to put formatting codes into Wordwise on
the BBC Micro.

I just have a number of templates that I copy and paste to create
what I need. Why write the code more than once? I also use search and
replace to convert tabbed data from a database into tables. A different
number of tabs between the groups of data, and replace the largest group
of tabs first. I can insert extra columns into the database before
exporting it and do the conversion in a couple minutes.