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  • Thread starter martin griffith
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martin griffith


Ken Smith

RST Engineering \(jw\) said:
However, most of my designs never need ECOs {;-)

That just means they didn't stay in production long enough. Right now
I've got a problem with a connector I designed in, in 1996. The maker has
"impoved" them or maybe its because the guy who knew when to kick the
machine retired.

Yesterday, I had an issue with a CD4000 part designed in in 1978. The
smooth handling of ECR-ECOs is an important part of any system.

I think I'll just retire before the lead free mess hits. :)

John Woodgate

My favorite example of bad HTML coding (so far): 613

Validator is VERY picky. But it's best to eliminate as many errors as
possible. I run the ISCE web site using Dreamweaver, which is also
super-critical. It flags errors that I can't possibly do anything about.
Most of them are about incompatibility with Opera 2, but I don't know
anyone who uses that. So, if any Opera 2 user likes to tell me whether
they have problems with any of the ISCE pages, I would be grateful.

Jim Thompson

martin griffith wrote...

Hey, we have far fewer errors than anyone else! Must
be the fantastic excellence of our Cambridge living!


So who does your web mastering?

I do mine strictly a cappella with FrontPage, no professional help at
all, just pasting-in new items as they come up.

BTW, I've found copies, or scanned-in, data sheets for my standard
(commercial) product designs.

I have yet to decide what else is publishable without NDA conflicts.

...Jim Thompson

Bob Stephens

August tick...tick...tick...
September Tick...Tick...Tick...
Octobrrr TICK...TICK...TICK...
(remainder left as an excercise for the reader)

Low 80's here in SoCal today ;)



My favorite example of bad HTML coding (so far):
Validator is VERY picky.
John Woodgate
Well, since is The WorldWide Web Consortium
(the guardians of the HTML standard),
you either are in compliance or you are generating quasi-HTML.
...incompatibility with Opera 2
You have it backwards:
Opera 2's incompatibility with the HTML *standard*.

....then there's M$IE:
Internet Explorer--Superior When Parsing Broken Code

Jim Thompson

August tick...tick...tick...
September Tick...Tick...Tick...
Octobrrr TICK...TICK...TICK...
(remainder left as an excercise for the reader)

Low 80's here in SoCal today ;)


It's now Fall here in Arizona, only 90°+ ;-)

...Jim Thompson

Jim Thompson
Win *does* like to yank your Massa2shits-hating chain.
who does your web mastering?
I do mine strictly a cappella with FrontPage
Which (like other M$ products that produce "HTML" output)
generates unnecessarily verbose code
(not great--even if you're getting a bargain on bandwidth).
That code is also NOT necessarily going to render in all browsers.*-bloated-*-*-*-unnecessary-*-code

Winfield Hill

JeffM wrote...
Win *does* like to yank your Massa2shits-hating chain.

Guilty as charged. Nobody but Jim gives a hoot. Well,
maybe John, who lives in San Francisco, a city that some
say can beat the pants off Boston.

Our own graphics and news guy, who started with handcoding
(same as I do, )
but who now uses Adobe GoLive, plus handcoding, IIRC. He's
a Massachusetts College of Art graduate.

Jim Thompson

Win *does* like to yank your Massa2shits-hating chain.

Not nearly as much as I like yanking Win's ;-)
Which (like other M$ products that produce "HTML" output)
generates unnecessarily verbose code
(not great--even if you're getting a bargain on bandwidth).
That code is also NOT necessarily going to render in all browsers.*-bloated-*-*-*-unnecessary-*-code

I have no marital arrangements with M$.

Can I import what I have in FrontPage into Dreamweaver and clean it

...Jim Thompson


[FrontPage] (like other M$ products that produce "HTML" output)
Can I import what I have in FrontPage into Dreamweaver
and clean it up?
Jim Thompson

Not having bothered with either,
I can't speak to specifics of automated clean-up.
The last item in the Encyclopedia article to which I linked
talks about filters being available to do that.
(It mentions WinWord specifically).

If Dreamweaver won't,
it shouldn't be difficut to get something that will:

martin griffith

martin griffith wrote...

Hey, we have far fewer errors than anyone else! Must
be the fantastic excellence of our Cambridge living!
thats quantum inturbulance for you.

hmmm, sorry but Guy Macaroon has zilltch, zero, nada errors, last time
I looked.
(this is really sad, chechicking out websites for errorses)

How was the Ig noble stuff?


Jim Thompson

martin griffith wrote...

Hey, we have far fewer errors than anyone else! Must
be the fantastic excellence of our Cambridge living!

Looks like "validator" is more BS than fact.

A quick look with UltraEdit shows the attributes reported as "no
attribute" ARE there, they're just turned OFF. I do no fancy/smancy
shit on my website.

(I personally use Firefox with NoScript allowing only select pages to
run javascript: banks, credit cards, bill paying, etc.)

However, if anyone finds a viewing issue with their browser, please
let me know, listing what error messages/viewing problems you see,
I'll look into it.

...Jim Thompson

Winfield Hill

Jim Thompson wrote...
It's now Fall here in Arizona, only 90°+ ;-)

We're supposed to get a cold snap in NE in mid Sept., followed
by a week or two of Indian Summer. This year no cold snap, all
Indian Summer, continuing till now. Tonight a change begins,
rain and cold, down to a low of 48 at night by early next week.
What a joke, we *need* a bit of serious "cold" to switch gears.
How else can we get ready for glorious white snow next January?

Rich Grise

Not nearly as much as I like yanking Win's ;-)

I have no marital arrangements with M$.

Can I import what I have in FrontPage into Dreamweaver and clean it

...Jim Thompson

Jeezis! If you have somebody who can read HTML, you could import it into
NOTEPAD and clean it up! I've never seen as crappy of "HTML" as the crap
that comes out of frontpage. Except, maybe, if you're trying to use Word.

Good Luck!

John Woodgate

Well, since is The WorldWide Web Consortium (the guardians of
the HTML standard), you either are in compliance or you are generating

Yes, but it goes postal over even minor faults. It should categorize
errors into 'serious' and 'minor'.
You have it backwards:
Opera 2's incompatibility with the HTML *standard*.

**I** don't have it backwards, it's Dreamweaver that flags the 'errors'.

John Woodgate

I read in that Jim Thompson
Can I import what I have in FrontPage into Dreamweaver and clean it up?

If it claims to be .html (or .htm of course), yes.