Maker Pro
Maker Pro

still need bunches of 1/4-40 nuts


Don Lancaster

We are crucially short of this item used to mount many of our eBay

No, this is not a misprint. 1/4-40 is an ultrafine nut used on submini
switches and miniature phone jacks.

Pricing goal is two cents each in lots of 5000 to 50,000.

Many thanks,

Don Lancaster voice phone: (928)428-4073
Synergetics 3860 West First Street Box 809 Thatcher, AZ 85552
rss: email: [email protected]

Please visit my GURU's LAIR web site at


We are crucially short of this item used to mount many of our eBay

No, this is not a misprint. 1/4-40 is an ultrafine nut used on submini
switches and miniature phone jacks.

Pricing goal is two cents each in lots of 5000 to 50,000.


for a bulk quote. IIRC they are about $0.20 per in 10 quantities.

Paul E. Schoen

Don Lancaster said:
We are crucially short of this item used to mount many of our eBay

No, this is not a misprint. 1/4-40 is an ultrafine nut used on submini
switches and miniature phone jacks.

Pricing goal is two cents each in lots of 5000 to 50,000.

A quick search for "1/4-40 Nut" on, and the search dog dug
up this bone:

No idea of price, but 50k quantity should perk up their ears. Otherwise,
what about the manufacturers of the switches, phone jacks, and perhaps 1/4"
shaft pots. Also, analog meters have extra fine nuts, although they might
be 1/4-36.

Another bone to chew on is:


Don Lancaster

Paul said:
A quick search for "1/4-40 Nut" on, and the search dog dug
up this bone:

No idea of price, but 50k quantity should perk up their ears. Otherwise,
what about the manufacturers of the switches, phone jacks, and perhaps 1/4"
shaft pots. Also, analog meters have extra fine nuts, although they might
be 1/4-36.

Another bone to chew on is:

Already checked apem.
Outrageous pricing.

awaiting pricing on others.
half of them do not respond; others are totally out of line.

Thanks for your help.

Many thanks,

Don Lancaster voice phone: (928)428-4073
Synergetics 3860 West First Street Box 809 Thatcher, AZ 85552
rss: email: [email protected]

Please visit my GURU's LAIR web site at

Joel Kolstad

Don Lancaster said:
awaiting pricing on others.
half of them do not respond; others are totally out of line.

It's probably a safe bet that most of the ones who don't respond probably also
can't come close to your desired pricing. :)

Good luck on finding what you want at an acceptable price!

The Great Attractor

We are crucially short of this item used to mount many of our eBay

No, this is not a misprint. 1/4-40 is an ultrafine nut used on submini
switches and miniature phone jacks.

Pricing goal is two cents each in lots of 5000 to 50,000.

Have you tried a company called ABABA?


Don said:
We are crucially short of this item used to mount many of our eBay

No, this is not a misprint. 1/4-40 is an ultrafine nut used on submini
switches and miniature phone jacks.

Pricing goal is two cents each in lots of 5000 to 50,000.

Have you not tried an engineering supplier ? The type that stock good old
fashioned nuts and bolts ?


Don Lancaster

Eeyore said:
Don Lancaster wrote:

Have you not tried an engineering supplier ? The type that stock good old
fashioned nuts and bolts ?



McMaster Carr has them for twenty cents each and refuses to discount in
any quntity.

Many thanks,

Don Lancaster voice phone: (928)428-4073
Synergetics 3860 West First Street Box 809 Thatcher, AZ 85552
rss: email: [email protected]

Please visit my GURU's LAIR web site at


Don said:

McMaster Carr has them for twenty cents each and refuses to discount in
any quntity.

Are they the only people in the USA who sell nuts ? Are you seriously trying to
tell me they don't offer discounts on a $10,000 order ?

Anyway for that money you could import from China at save about $9000 probably !
Email McMaster Carr's chief exec to explain they're exporting jobs btw.


The Great Attractor

Have you not tried an engineering supplier ? The type that stock good old
fashioned nuts and bolts ?


Did you not even read his post? It is not a standard "nut and bolt"

The Great Attractor

Are they the only people in the USA who sell nuts ? Are you seriously trying to
tell me they don't offer discounts on a $10,000 order ?

They are notorious for being profit hungry. Their low qty price as well
as their inability to have any price breaks for quantity purchases prove

You need to stop being such a know nothing nerd. Not everything in the
world fit your DonkTard "reality".
Anyway for that money you could import from China at save about $9000 probably !
Email McMaster Carr's chief exec to explain they're exporting jobs btw.

He doesn't care. It's like asking 7 eleven to drop their prices, or

They have high stickers and only care about the sales they do make.
That's why WalMart has been beating Sears' ass.

It is about attitude.

They don't understand that WalMart makes more due to shear volume.

Joe Chisolm


McMaster Carr has them for twenty cents each and refuses to discount in
any quntity.

Try your local Ace or True Value hardware store. I went to Ace and
told them I wanted a bunch of boxes of SS screws. They ordered them
for me at a pretty good price - this was a few years ago though...

John Fields

We are crucially short of this item used to mount many of our eBay

No, this is not a misprint. 1/4-40 is an ultrafine nut used on submini
switches and miniature phone jacks.

Pricing goal is two cents each in lots of 5000 to 50,000.

RST Engineering \(jw\)

Was Sandy Yen over at Taiway Switch in Taiwan not able to help you?


martin griffith

We are crucially short of this item used to mount many of our eBay

No, this is not a misprint. 1/4-40 is an ultrafine nut used on submini
switches and miniature phone jacks.

Pricing goal is two cents each in lots of 5000 to 50,000.

Have you tried getting a quote from a local turning/precision

I used to get 4-40 Dtype stand offs made by this little UK firm
Surely there must be a small venture near you that could do it?


Don Lancaster

Joe said:
Try your local Ace or True Value hardware store. I went to Ace and
told them I wanted a bunch of boxes of SS screws. They ordered them
for me at a pretty good price - this was a few years ago though...
Local hardware is pretty much limited to 1/4-20 and rarely 1/4-28.

Zero hardware store demand for 1/4-40.

Many thanks,

Don Lancaster voice phone: (928)428-4073
Synergetics 3860 West First Street Box 809 Thatcher, AZ 85552
rss: email: [email protected]

Please visit my GURU's LAIR web site at


Don said:
Local hardware is pretty much limited to 1/4-20 and rarely 1/4-28.

1/4 inch dia thread by xx threads per inch ?

Zero hardware store demand for 1/4-40.

Dear Don,

since you're a great one for giving advice may I suggest in return that you're
unlikely to find such stuff in the local hardware store. It's rather more likely
you need a company trading from an industrial park/estate.



Spehro said:
They're specialist electronic hardware, and fairly easily gotten, but
the overhead is too high for a few hundred dollars worth of relatively
heavy stuff for it to be worth most people's while.

I wouldn't be at all surprised if you could buy the complete mini-jack including
panel nut from China for less than the 20c the US supplier wants for the nuts alone.

Just throw away the sockets and keep the nuts !
