Maker Pro
Maker Pro

Stepper motor controller IC with microstepping



Hello all,

I'm making a piece of equipment which needs to drive a stepper motor with

Can anyone recommend a chip which does the hard work for me. ie. something that
you can just feed in direction and degree of steps and then pulse to step it.
I'm sure I saw something that does pretty much everything I need ages ago, but
I can't find it now..... Surface mount would be preferred.

Any ideas greatly appreciated,

Many thanks,



A google search found a ton of links.

How do you want to interface the driver to your equipment ?

Serial, direction/step bits, ???

"degree of steps" what do this mean ???


How do you want to interface the driver to your equipment ?

I'm probably going to use a microcontroller, but it's not too important whether
it has a serial interface, parallel interface or just uses individual bits to
select the mode and operation. The stepper motor is a hybrid type.
Serial, direction/step bits, ???

Both directions

"degree of steps" what do this mean ???

What I mean is the amount of microsteps per step. Ideally, an IC which allows
you to select the amount of microsteps per step.
Loads of question marks. I was just wondering if someone had past experience of
a particular device. Recommendations are always a good thing.

Thanks for your help,


Adam. S

I had a similar quest not long ago. Check out Allegro for such IC's.
I ordered the A3967 1/8 step +-0.75A max.

James Newton

Hello all,

I'm making a piece of equipment which needs to drive a stepper motor with

Can anyone recommend a chip which does the hard work for me. ie. something that
you can just feed in direction and degree of steps and then pulse to step it.
I'm sure I saw something that does pretty much everything I need ages ago, but
I can't find it now..... Surface mount would be preferred.

Any ideas greatly appreciated,

Many thanks,


If you are using a microcontroller already in your project, source
code for microstepper control is available at:

Actually, the chip used for this controller (a PIC microcontroller by
MicroChip Technologies) is available in SMT packages, so you could
just add it to your board.



It's tempting to go this way, but I'll probably go for the A3967 for simplicity
and they are available for about $2.25 in small qtys.

Just the help I needed,


The Allegro drivers are nice little chips. However, when you implement
the design, be extremely certain the motor wires can never work loose
from either the driver board or the stepper motor. An easy-to-yank
plug on either end is going to be a huge problem. The Allegro drivers
are finicky in situations they don't expect. I have blown these chips
by accidentally removing the stepper while the drive was on.